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ISO: Custom Design Artist!

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ISO: Custom Design Artist!

#210677 Posted on 2019-10-08 16:08:56

I am looking for someone who has quality work (many of which I know of don't have commission info or have commissions listed as closed) to make me 4 custom characters. I may be willling to split between artists but I really would like one person to do them all because of consistency. 

The designs I am looking for:
They will be quite difficult designs because of addons (amount and complexity) and they will need custom lines or the ability to change details such as making it look emaciated(due to details). The designs are to be based on the 4 horsemen. There are 2 I want to have companions with (a rat and a crow or vulture -- willing to not have this if it means that I can get someone to create them).  

Price is not really an issue. Please post examples and prices below!

Last edited on 2019-10-08 at 16:17:45 by Bαƚƚყ Beacon

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