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ISO line artist to draw heraldic unicorn

ForumsLooking For... → ISO line artist to draw heraldic unicorn

ISO line artist to draw heraldic unicorn

#208561 Posted on 2019-09-06 10:59:13

I am looking for someone who can produce good quality line art who would be willing to draw a heraldic unicorn. It specifically needs to be in the heraldic style, and historically accurate. I can pay in EVD and/or EVC, and I'm happy to pay a lot for high quality work. If the below description sounds like something you're interested in please post below with some examples and your preferred fee.

The commission

The image just needs to be line art; no colouring, no shading, no add-ons.

Below is an image very similar to what I'm after (although I'm after something a bit better quality, and larger). It is in the public domain so can be used as a reference if you like.

The unicorn I'm after needs to be in the same pose (passant) i.e. facing left, with 3 legs on the ground and the front right raised, as above.
It also needs to have cloven hooves, beard, tail raised in the above pose, and tongue sticking out (yes it's weird, but it's standard in heradry). :P The tongue doesn't need to be quite so prominent as above though. Note also the stylised depiction of the hair, especially in places like the tail, legs, mane, and beard. It's also very important that the build is not horse-like, and is instead more typical of historical unicorns, i.e. quite slender, perhaps deer-like, similar to above. Some historical or heraldic unicorns are quite ugly or rough in appearance, but I'm after something reasonably elegant, so don't feel like you have to copy them exactly.

I would recommend doing a little bit of research into heraldry and heraldic unicorns and other animals, just to get an idea of what the style looks like, what is typical of a passant pose or heraldic unicorn (ignore any unicorn that's based on a horse).
Some good resources:
Unicorns: A Complete Guide To Heraldry, Ch13
More general heraldic animal info: Ch11, Ch12
(No need to read all of the above, just skim to the relevant bits.) Note that the above book was published over a century ago, so is in the public domain, and therefore any images can be used as a reference if necessary.

Last edited on 2019-09-06 at 11:09:21 by UlyssesBlue (spare)

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UlyssesBlue (spare)

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#208567 Posted on 2019-09-06 12:38:56

I think I'd manage to do one - for, let's say, 30 EVC?
Should you choose me to draw it I'll contact you when the sketch is ready for you to make sure that it looks fine and/or tell me what to correct. The resulting drawing would be for you to use for any non-commercial purpose (if you'd like to use it commercially please notify me first).
Here's my dA gallery ( The majority of my works on the internet are not historically accurate, but I have quite a lot of works with linearts there - I've done few pictures of historical topics and stylisations before and I'm generally interested in history so I shouldn't have many problems with it.
Past examples of historical stylisations/ornaments: (the latest, made in digital medium)
If you're interested please PM me :)

Last edited on 2019-09-06 at 13:04:34 by Thunder

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