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Casually Seeking Credits

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Casually Seeking Credits

#206991 Posted on 2019-08-06 09:05:25

Well, my Deluxe, Auto-Care, and Auto-show are finally starting to dwindle, and it's about time I start planning for when to restock them, so I'm seeking credits to start getting ready.  :) 

Anyway, I'm looking ideally to pay 50k - 75k per credit.

I've got a bit of time to get them, so those prices are firm.  Looking for any number anyone is willing to sell in that range, be it 1 credit or 1,000.  (not really expecting anyone to have 1,000, but at 50k each, I'd take it, lol)

Message me directly for fastest response.  I'm online a few times a day, but sometimes forget to check forums.  Posting here is good too. 

I'll probably be looking for a while, so feel free to reach out to me anytime, even if other people have already been responding.

Thank you!

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