#204918 Posted on 2019-06-16 17:03:22
I am looking for someone to make an idea in my head come to life. I have been struggling to try and make it myself but I use stock and I can't credit a bunch of people for stock on a tag. Not only that but I suck at shading.
Details about what I want is below. But essentially, I am looking to pay someone to make a tag base for me to sell recolors for. I will be paying and the artist may use the base for themselves (and only for themselves, not selling or goving away recolors) as well. An exact price can be discussed over PM. I am willing to do a 50/50 split or pay for it in full (without the 50/50 split). Please post a price range for how much you want, examples, and if you want to do a 50/50 split or me just pay in full.
> tag size or sig size (which ever you may find easier to do what I need but I prefer tag size)
> Shading is a must
> A background with maybe mountains in the distance, grassy fields, and sunny, sunset, or sunrise
> Layers is a must for each colorable thing (each horse. must be a .psd)
> Must be recolorable
My idea is: A horse (the main focus of the tag) is watching wild horses running in the distance (can be black silhouettes or can be colorable horses, how much I will pay is also based on this so let me know in your post if you can do this) from behind a gate.
Price isn't really an issue
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