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Associations/Grading Levels

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Associations/Grading Levels

#203892 Posted on 2019-05-27 07:17:51

I checked through the master post and couldn't find anything similar but please tell me if there is something I have missed.

I have been thinking about this idea for a while now, I know we have clubs that can be breed specific but I was thinking of something more like the Hall of Fame and was run by the "Game”. I have always liked the idea of horses being graded like the stats system. When they reach a certain level of points, they are able to compete in a higher level. I have also noticed that confirmation means nothing in the game, and I wanted a way for it to be valuable. 

The Idea:
The basic understanding of it, is that in the Town section there would be an area called “The Grading Associations”. There would be an Association for every breed. Once you have selected a breed you would be able to see something like the hall of fame. 

You would select a breed for example Quarter Horse and then select a Grade (grading system will be shown below) and you can see the top horses or maybe a random selections of quarter horses in that grade. I have tried to consider how this would work and feel the best way for it to work would be like the Speciality Information on a horses page. The horse would be born with a grading, and this grade will go up over time until a horse reaches 20 years old; grades won’t change once a horse hits 20 (feel free to suggest a different age). 
You would see this information below the Specialty Information in another tab called Grading Information. It would be set out in the format of – 
Grade Title – (grade title here) Grade Level – (Grade Level here) There would be five levels. 
Level Progress – (a bar under that shows you how far away your horse is from the levelling to the next grade level or grade title)
Grades don’t exactly give your horse anything apart from being able to show how well bred they are, I also think it would just be a fun edition to the game and would make breeding for conformation have some degree of purpose. 

How Would Horses Be Scored?

Horses scores would be calculated from their conformation, Total Horse Points (from showing) and their Stats.

Scoring System:

**My system scoring has been slightly based on the Real Life scoring systems** I was going to use Bronze-Gold but I feel that is so overused to I based it of traditional hierarchy to make it a bit more interesting. XD

There would be different levels: 


  • Standard (Silver - Platinum)


  • Model (Silver - Platinum)


  • Premium (Silver - Platinum)


  • Elite (Silver - Platinum)


At 0 years or whenever the horse first becomes active in the game, they will be given a grade, just like how when a foundation is created they are automatically a Novice 1. 

Standard Silver is the lowest grade a horse can have and Elite Platinum is the highest grade a horse can have. 

Standard horse is 0 - 5000 points Overall 

Standard  Silver - 0 - 1000 points
Standard Ruby - 1001 - 2000 points 
Standard Gold - 2001 - 3000 points
Standard Diamond - 3001 - 4000
Standard Platinum  - 4001 - 5000

Model horse is 5001 - 10,000 points Overall 

Model  Silver - 5001 - 6000 points
Model Ruby - 6001 - 7000 points 
Model Gold - 7001 - 8000 points
Model Diamond - 8001 - 9000
Model Platinum  - 9001 - 10,000

Premium horse is 10,001 - 15,000 points Overall 

Premium Silver - 10,001 - 11,000 points
Premium Ruby - 11,001 - 12,000 points 
Premium Gold - 12,001 - 13,000 points
Premium Diamond - 13,001 - 14,000
Premium Platinum  - 14,001 - 15,000

Elite horse is 15,001 - 20,000 points Overall 

Elite Silver - 15,001 - 16,000 points
Elite Ruby - 16,001 - 17,000 points 
Elite Gold - 17,001 - 18,000 points
Elite Diamond - 18,001 - 19,000
Elite Platinum  - 19,001 - 20,000 +

How Do Horses Get Points? 
**these numbers are not perfect yet so please, give me suggestions on how to improve the system**
I tried to make is super simple and easy. I tried to keep the numbers easy to understand but the calculations not too high, as if they were high it would make it too easy for people to breed Elite Platinum and the value of them would be next to nothing. Below I shall post examples of random horses within the game, and what their grade would be on the day of posting this idea. 

0 conformation = 0 points
10 conformation = 1000 point
20 conformation = 2000 points
30 conformation = 3000 points
40 conformation = 4000 points 
and so on
Points would range from 0 points to 10,000 points
I made this number quite high as in real life good conformation always gives a horse a higher grading, so it would make sense that a horse with good conformation in the game would have higher a grade as well. 


For this section I have made it that the points are calculated by doing 100 x 2. For example, a 3-year-old foundation horse can only get 200 points to start with as they are all created with 100 stats. If a foal for example was born with 446 total stat points it would be 400 x 2 as the foal has not yet reaches 500 points. Once that foal does reach 500 points an extra 200 points would be added to their total. I hope that makes sense, please tell me if it doesn’t. 

100 stats = 200 points 
200 stats = 400 points
300 stats = 600 points
400 stats = 800 points
500 stats = 1000 points
600 stats = 1200 points
700 stats = 1400 points
and so on 
This is where treating your horse and training them correctly will really help boost their points, and maybe boost their grading. 
There may need to be a block applied to stats so that only Discipline specific stats are counted? As a horse that has over 100 in each stat would be climbing the ranks far too easily.. That is something to discuss and think about. 

Showing Points
In real life horses can gain recognition for how well they show. I know good showing horses get you money on the game but that is about it, so I thought why not add it in.
Horses will gain 1 showing point for every 1000 horse Points they earn. So once your horses reaches 1000 horse points, they gain 1 showing point. (This number would come from the All Time section) Just to be clear, if you horse has 1000 at one inspection it gains 1 point if at their next inspection they have 2000 points they get another 1 point added. So, their total becomes 2 points. So basically, once a horse reaches 10,000 Horse points with will have earned a total of 10 Showing points. If that makes sense. 
1000 Horse points = 1 Showing Point. (Dividing the 1000 by 1000)
2000 = 2 points
3000 = 3 points 
10,000 = 10 points
20,000 = 20 points 
100,000 = 100 points
101,000 = 101 points
and so on
I wanted to keep these points low as it can be easy to rack up Horse Points, I have a few horses who has only be entered in a small handful of shows and already have several thousand All time points.  
Of course horses under the age of 3 will gain no Points for showing, but if yearling shows one day become a part of the game then Show points could be added. 

More Examples (Calculated on 27th May 2019)

Since I don't have many horses currently with good horse points I went to the hall of fame to gather some more data. I selected random horses.  I will also include some of my own horses with lower stats to give you a range of examples. 

 Angeline -
Conformation 45.38 = 4000 points
Current stats 1387 = 2,600 points (1300 x 2)
Total Horse Points 182,392 = 182 Points (182,000 Divided by 1000)
Total Points earned = 6,782
This horses grade would be Model Ruby Horse

[ø] S5 - Circuit
Conformation 56.63 = 5000 points
Current stats 726 = 1,400 points (700 x 2)
Total Horse Points 177,654 = 177 Points (177,000 Divided by 1000)
Total Points earned = 6,577
This horses grade would be Model Ruby Horse

🌸 {zz} Twisted Devil - 97.38
Conformation 97.38 = 9000 points
Current stats 1040 = 2,000 (1000 x 2)
Total Horse Points 59,694 = 59 Points (59,000 Divided by 1000)
Total Points Earned = 11,059
This horses grade would be Premium Ruby Horse

➴ Lost Lyric [97.34]{4352}
Conformation 97.34 = 9000 points
Current stats 4358 = 8,000 (4000 x 2)
Total Horse Points 1,564 = 1 Points (1000 Divided by 1000)
Total Points Earned = 17,001
This horses grade would be Elite Gold Horse

SG Phantom's Echo 96.5
Conformation 96.55 = 9000 points
Current stats 4313 = 8,000 (4000 x 2)
Total Horse Points 43,566 = 43 Points (43,000 Divided by 1000)
Total Points Earned = 17,043
This horses grade would be Elite Gold Horse

± Tragic [A/SC] 
Conformation 63.54 = 6000 points
Current stats 337 = 600 (300 x 2)
Total Horse Points 0 = 0 Points (0 Divided by 1000)
Total Points Earned = 6,600

This horses grade would be Model Ruby Horse

Conclusion More Thoughts

I think this would just be a fun aspect to add to the game, where conformation counts for something. Also it would be more interesting to think wow this is the type of grading my horse is. 
Maybe if you mange to breed an Elite Platinum Horse, You could be given a prize? How when a horse reaches over 100 wins you get some money? 
I think it would bring a whole new aspect to showing and breeding. It might make people more interested in creating shows and taking part in shows since their horses stats and Hose points would be going towards something. 

Please comment below if something makes no sense or you think I have missed something out. This is something I have been calculating and trying to plan for a while but I know that it is not perfect. 

Thank you for taking the time to read. :)

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#203902 Posted on 2019-05-27 13:44:23

Huh, you used one of my Paint mares. 😊

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#204004 Posted on 2019-05-29 16:24:44

I'd really like this idea if there were rewards given once a horse reaches a certain rank. I think the prize should be per horse and not per account, though. This way people will have an incentive to keep on breeding good horses. There should be some kind of block so you can't breed 10 foals from one mare and earn points for 10 Elite Platinums, of course. This would go really well with my idea to raise the prize money in higher level shows. Both add value to horses and encourage the breeding of quality stock. I also like the idea that non-specialty stats don't count. It's not going to work unless there are rewards of some kind, though. Perhaps it could be items rather than monetary? New backgrounds or decorations you can only get from this. I would really like that and it might even get me breeding again. Every so often the rewards could rotate so you won't be able to get them until the same time next year. There could also be some items that could only be gotten during events such as Halloween getup for your horses. However, these prizes should be available at relatively low tiers so people don't get discouraged.

The main obstacle with giving prizes is how to do it without ruining the economy. I think rotation will help, but more ideas are welcomed.

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#204095 Posted on 2019-06-01 09:41:54

@Syrien I love your suggestions!

Maybe Certain levels have specific prizes that rotate? 

An example - Model horses will get treat prizes, the higher the horses level the more valuable the prize? Maybe only horses in the Elite level could get grading specific prizes, maybe as you said specific backgrounds, or maybe rugs (we have had them before I think), these items can only be worn by Elite horses maybe? 

I understand what you are saying about breeding and how people might easily be able to breed very high levelled horses, maybe the point system could be changed so that instead of an elite horse being between 15k and 20k they only start at 20k? Or horses could have their points capped at say age 15, as I know a lot of people don't breed horses till later.

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