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Deceased for hindering the economy??? Huh?

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Deceased for hindering the economy??? Huh?

#199763 Posted on 2019-02-07 20:34:37

Im just sincerely curious.Ive been a member on and off for a few years and just randomly happen to check on a younger stallion I bought a long time ago.He has one foal I bred that i kinda forgot about.So I cant remember if I sold this foal or what but it says the foal was deceased as a 4 year old for basically being poor quality and "hindering the economy"..Im curious if that was put there by a player or how it got typed there.I would have happily taken the foal back regardless of quality simply because its my stock.
Im not angry or upset,just perplexed and big deal.I cull my own fair share and understand, ive just never read that before.Attached the link of said foal, look at the public notes.clear up my confusion? Again no hard feelings.I usually hang in the background and keep to myself but couldnt figure this out.

Deceased foal hindering economy

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#199765 Posted on 2019-02-07 21:28:54

It looks like the owner just put that in the public notes
Might've been because they wanted people to know why it was deceased instead of people thinking they just didn't take care of their horses? I don't really know though, as I'm not the owner. 

Last edited on 2019-02-07 at 21:30:19 by RaineSong Ranch

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#199770 Posted on 2019-02-08 00:54:53

Public notes are added by the owner. Always.

I culled that colt. Looks like I didn't put the correct text though as the parents aren't cubed (they are offspring of cubed stock themselves though upon looking at ancestry). Oopsie!

I name my cull horses "deceased" and simply put a reason why I culled the horse in its public notes.

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#199885 Posted on 2019-02-10 09:58:23

I'm guilty of over breeding when I first got to the level to be able to breed. I have so many pretties I wanted to breed. Now that I've been playing awhile, I realize overbreeding hinders the economy. It clogs up the sale pages. 

Some players take the horses that hinder the economy and cull them by allowing them to die off.

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#199915 Posted on 2019-02-10 15:12:44

Don't get it.  I really don't get this whole "killing horses to save the economy" thing.  In real life, if the new car market isn't doing so great, do you stimulate things by buying used cars and destroying them?  Of course not.  You buy more new cars, or you develop better cars that people actually want, or you lower the price of the new cars so more people can afford them, or you advertise better.  Destroying the used cars would only stimulate the used car businesses, and ruin things for the people who have no intention of buying a new car.

It's no different here.  If you want to stimulate the economy, either buy more from other players, or create stock that people want to buy.  A healthy economy has a lot of exchange, and a little something of everything for everyone.  (BTW, that includes horses that you, personally, may not consider ideal.)

Beyond that, and out of our control, more search criteria might be helpful, because some people don't buy because it's hard to find the specific horses they want.  I know a lot of us would find it helpful to be able to search for low non-discipline stats.  Those who are picky about pedigrees would probably appreciate easier ways to search for that data, too.

But seriously, if you want to improve the economy, the best thing to do is to buy horses you want to see more of, or breed the kind of horses other people want to buy.  The more people who do that, the healthier the economy, automatically.  Killing the horses you don't approve of just ruins the economy for the people who actually would like to own those horses, and rewards the people who breed and sell them.  In fact, the more people who are known to "kill for the economy," the more people there are who buy up super-cheap horses and sell them for just a little bit more, knowing that some kill-buyer will come along to weed them out, thus ensuring a profit.  So it actually just makes the "problem" worse.

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