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#189726 Posted on 2018-09-20 15:42:14


I have played this game off and on for years, but unfortunately I am coming back from a lengthy break and I have played a large number of games like this one and as I am sure you all know, almost all of these games have a "formula" for producing babies that are an improvement on the parents. I have been nosing around in the forums a bit but I just want to get some clarification.

Is it really as simple as bringing a stallion and mare along with the same discipline with proper treats and training and waiting until the last possible day to breed and then breeding? Or is there something else to take into consideration such as show performances, amount of days it takes to hit a particular grade etc?

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#189737 Posted on 2018-09-21 03:29:14

It is up to you how you choose your own breeding strategy.  Horses can be bred from the age of 3 until the last day of their 20th year. Training, competing in shows or riding school will help improve grades thereby improving the starting grade level of the progeny. As far as i am aware there are no set standards as to how long it will take a horse to reach a particular grade though I am sure you are aware the higher the next level is, the longer it will take to amass the required stats. Some breeders go for quantity over quality not caring for stats, breeding mixed disciplines because of the possibility of a pretty colour.

My own strategy is a bit hit & miss though I do try to follow the following. 
1 choose pairing - check previews for colouring
2 check non-stats amounts - usually I forget this though important if using other players stock
3 check conformation to see if compatible
4 check inbreeding status - necessary with certain breeds
last but not least ensure you have enough space/finances for the new foal

hope this helps or ignore it if I have grabbed the wrong end of the stick :)

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Kryssyn Elara Moonstone

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#189940 Posted on 2018-09-26 11:32:37

Thank you!

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