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Someone good with site building

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Someone good with site building

#184279 Posted on 2018-08-13 18:28:52

I have too much stuff on my plate, what with a full time job, 60+ snakes to care for (some of them picky stubborn brand new babies who refuse to eat their first meals), and going to move to a different state, my niece was diagnosed with cancer (shes not even 2 years old), my grandparents having issues, and at home issues as well, I barely have time to enjoy myself, let alone projects on the web. 

I am looking for someone who can do a GREAT professional looking website on a free site maker thing. I know how to, i just literally have no time to get it up and running. 

I will provide ALL pictures to be used for it, these photos are MINE and must remain as such. They are not to be used outside of this project. 

It's a site for my snake business, hence why it must be professional looking.

We can discuss the details in private, preferably through skype, discord, or email. I am not looking for this to be done for free, though if youre just bored and want to do it as a donation towards Spyder Ball Morphs, well, I'd gladly accept it xD but we can further discuss payment and type through private discussion. EVD/EVC are options if preferred, or even art. 

Just a fair warning:

I have 60+ snakes, that is a lot of snakes. The site ideally will have a home page, a "personal collection" page, an available page, a current projects page, a contact page, and maybe miscellaneous, which means whatever comes to mind. It probably will just be that layout right there honestly. 
If art is wanted as a payment type, it will take a bit to get completed, again I have so much on my hands.

If you think you'd be a good match, please message me. It might take a bit to get back to you, but i'll try. 
if this isn't allowed because its "snake" related, sorry mods, you can remove it. 

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