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[ADDED] *Equine Center limit

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#190460 Posted on 2018-09-30 10:32:31

@Wicked: Why do you think the market will never get better? :)

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#190466 Posted on 2018-09-30 10:59:44

@ Io - because most of the members, including myself, actually like to be private breeders. You can see from several posts, including this, that several members already are vocal about their preference of being private breeder. Any suggestions that can affect private breeders often did not get high percentage of supports.

In order to achieve better market, we need to do a "Tough Love" and force it on everyone (such as restricting EC and etc). However, the "Tough Love" will never happens anytime soon since it would targets the majority of members instead of the minority.
1. Our current system have a lot of issues so enforcing Tough Love on a problematic system will only cause us to lose members. 
1a. We need to fix Roll-Over issues first so everyone will have access to studs/broods. 
1b. We need to fix the show system and reintroduce Conformation show or give them a purpose in the game. 
1c. If we are going to keep with "Breeding Down the Stats" method, then we need to give treats an update. Remove Haycubes, Sugarcubes, Peppermint Cubes from the game or give them a new purpose. Those treats encouraged more unwanted horses in the game due to spreader stats which defeats our "breeding down the stats" purpose.
-- Also, we need add something that will informs the new members about our "Breeding Down the Stats" since most games normally go for Breeding Up the Stats so it is very common mistake for newer members to breed up instead of down.

2. We need to make sure that our players are willing to spend a lot money on horses. 
2a. We need fix the sale market somehow to ensure that it is not flooded with unwanted and poor quality horses. Someone suggested a system where we can sell our horses to NPC or something. Another option is an early retirement. 
2b. The whole thing will collapsed if everyone are selling their horses below their actual values and losing profits. 
-- Value: the cost of raising the horse + additional bonuses such as stats, color, and conformation. 
2c. We need to show/teach the members to learn how to embrace the change in economy. Most of members does not like the change (even if it is for the better) so they wouldn't be happy if the horses' price skyrocketed like credits.

In addition to everything above, we need to change our members' mindset somehow in order to achieve better market.

Also, we might will have to come up with some kind of motivation to encourage the members to switch their mindset. It have to be something that worth the change. For me, Purebred Crossbreed is a huge motivation. I will gladly promoting better market and actively work with other members if that means I can start breeding Warlanders!

Last edited on 2018-10-01 at 06:43:53 by ωιςκεδ

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#190526 Posted on 2018-09-30 19:04:41

@twistedwinds You know that "this may come off as a little abrasive" and you still chose to write it this way. It's like saying sorry for an incoming punch, interesting xD Anyway, I have no idea why you assumed I have problems with selling my horses, that I don't promote them via forum and that they are overprized. I'm patient. I can wait until horses I put on a sale will find a new owner or just be deceased, cause selling them is not my priority. Another thing is that I generalized, cause I noticed there are problems in that matter and I saw maaany complains about it. My ideas are not dictated only by my own needs and wants ;>

About inbreeding... Inbreeding isn't restricting whole pedigree, but only a small part of it so you can still breed horses that are related to each other.

I know that market is like this through many different factors. Unlimited EC is just one of them and to solve it all those factors would need to be resolved. By the way, I was thinking about adding some item to a credit shop that might increase EC limit as well, but it would be needed to discuss it's price and amount of horses this item would add to the limit.

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Carin Ravensdale

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#204207 Posted on 2019-06-03 11:10:26

No support.

This will GREATLY impact how people play EV which is not fair.

Limiting people's EC buys won't fix the economy. Horses have MINIMAL value as a whole. Find a way to make them have value, that will help solve economy issue.

@Carin, maybe you should read someone's whole post before jumping the gun and taking personal offense...
Quote:  "This may come off as a little abrasive, I am sorry if it does, that is not my intent. My usage of words such as you and your do not represent any one person in particular so please don't take this the wrong way...."

Last edited on 2019-06-03 at 11:25:02 by Indigo

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#266861 Posted on 2023-02-25 14:11:14

Added! ♥

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