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*Invite to a Club

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*Invite to a Club

#178273 Posted on 2018-07-09 06:52:09

I don't think it was suggested before- feature for clubs that would allow administrators to invite other players to the members of the Club.
Right now people can join if they find an interesting club on forum/player's profiles/Club House or if somebody invites them through private message. Problem with pm-ing is that some people feel uneasy with that. Also, invitations may make easier popularising a new club- especially if it specialises in an unpopular breed. Forum is a bit quiet now and new members do not always show up there.

The general idea is to make it a bit similar to friend invitations. I thought about making special carts in the members list (carts like the ones in the marketplace)- current Members List and Invitations which would look a bit like friends list: list of pending invitations, list of declined invitations (nice clubs won't make a mistake and invite more than once a person that doesn't want to join) and 'invite a player: #_______'. Since there might be clubs that would spam with invitations until a person joins, there should be an option of blocking club invitations. Inviting a blocked member or already invited should result in showing a red 'error message' saying that this particular person cannot be invited to members. Also if there are not enough many slots for new members, inviting should result in red message similar to the one appearing when player wants to buy/adopt a horse without having space for that.
After sending the invitation, a player should receive a game notification informing about being invited and giving a link to a Club House. There invitations should have their own cart- Manage Invitations or something like this, where player may choose to accept the invitation or not. Also there would be a button allowing the player to block/unblock club invitations.

If something like this would ever be added to the game it would probably be a big thing- it would require changes in many different places in the game and  I'm sure it would create a lot of bugs (like almost all bigger Abbey's actualisations lately). Also right now there are other more important features supposed to be implemented, this thing would be just a nice addition to the already existing club features in the vague future and is not essential for the game. Still- I think it's worth considering.

If you click 'no support' it would be nice if you at least say why. This idea has been posted on the forum among other things to be discussed and alternatively polished. As I said before, this thing would be just an addition, not something that would interfere in the gameplay. Feedback can help improve it or convince me it has no future.

*edit 2 for people who don't read comments*
I know that this feature may give a field for spammers, but that's why I suggested an invitation block option. And why I want a feedback on this idea- somebody may know how to improve it. I try to make this feature as simple as it can be, because making it complex for the time being would be just a big bug actualisation. I undestand though that maybe partially it cannot be as simple as I want it to be- f.e. avoiding the spam.

keep friends/club invitations open but not to be spammed daily with requests

1) An invitation may be left as pending, and then the club cannot invite this person anymore, if that person doesn't want to block club invitations, but that may be incriminating for a server (depending on popularity of the feature). I don't plan the invitations to be able to expire- only withdrawable.
2) There can be option of blocking a club of course, but I am not sure if it won't be too big thing to code for Abbey-> more potential bugs.

Perhaps you can only send 1 club invitation a day to someone that's not been sent one

That would make sense only if the cooldown was longer- if spammer wants, spammer finds a different was to annoy. After at least a week there is a chance that they will forget to send an invitation again.

A pending invitations limit maybe? Appropriately low, so it should encourage administrators to invite only active players and combined with '1)' won't allow them to flood players's message center.
Of course, a mean person can invite and withdraw all the time, but such things should be reportable. Doing something like this is unacceptable, for me it counts as harassment.

Clubs are kind of iffy considering they may specialise in breeds you might not or have strict requirements you might not meet.

I know, personally, I would never invite a person who doesn't have at least one horse meeting the club's criteria. But that is me, I don't know well administrators of most clubs on EV. On the other hand, those I know don't seem to be people who would spam with invitations like crazy.

Last edited on 2019-04-23 at 02:06:26 by sikora

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#178313 Posted on 2018-07-09 16:00:56

While I myself would probably not use this much, I can imagine others would probably find this useful, support!

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#183926 Posted on 2018-08-12 06:05:41

I think people may not support because it has the potential to be spam and become annoying to players who would like to keep friends/club invitations open but not to be spammed daily with requests. 

Perhaps you can only send 1 club invitation a day to someone that's not been sent one, maybe just people on your friends list? Even if you had a list, an active invitation list would be huge and hard to sort through. 

I supported this suggestion but I'm still a little on the fence about it. Clubs are kind of iffy considering they may specialise in breeds you might not or have strict requirements you might not meet. So for example, receiving invitations to join Endurance Friesians or Driving Thoroughbreds might be annoying when you don't breed those breeds or have any interest in them. It has potential but I can also see why it might be an unused feature. 

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#183933 Posted on 2018-08-12 06:58:01

I know that this feature may give a field for spammers, but that's why I suggested an invitation block option. And why I want a feedback on this idea- somebody may know how to improve it. I try to make this feature as simple as it can be, because making it complex for the time being would be just a big bug actualisation. I undestand though that maybe partially it cannot be as simple as I want it to be- f.e. avoiding the spam.

keep friends/club invitations open but not to be spammed daily with requests

1) An invitation may be left as pending, and then the club cannot invite this person anymore, if that person doesn't want to block club invitations, but that may be incriminating for a server (depending on popularity of the feature). I don't plan the invitations to be able to expire- only withdrawable.
2) There can be option of blocking a club of course, but I am not sure if it won't be too big thing to code for Abbey-> more potential bugs.

Perhaps you can only send 1 club invitation a day to someone that's not been sent one

That would make sense only if the cooldown was longer- if spammer wants, spammer finds a different was to annoy. After at least a week there is a chance that they will forget to send an invitation again.

A pending invitations limit maybe? Appropriately low, so it should encourage administrators to invite only active players and combined with '1)' won't allow them to flood players's message center.
Of course, a mean person can invite and withdraw all the time, but such things should be reportable. Doing something like this is unacceptable, for me it counts as harassment.

Clubs are kind of iffy considering they may specialise in breeds you might not or have strict requirements you might not meet.

I know, personally, I would never invite a person who doesn't have at least one horse meeting the club's criteria. But that is me, I don't know well administrators of most clubs on EV. On the other hand, those I know don't seem to be people who would spam with invitations like crazy.

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#184327 Posted on 2018-08-13 22:15:45

Delete please, I misread a part in the original suggestion. Sorry!

Last edited on 2018-08-13 at 22:18:02 by HeartOnFire

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