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My Xenivers!

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My Xenivers!

#175022 Posted on 2018-06-15 03:19:39

This is like their own little forum for everything. Breeding, the tournament, the foals :3. I will probably update often. 

These horse like creatures are very unique, even compared to other horse like creatures! Here are some special features about them:
All Xenivers have three horns, one on the snout, and two on the poll. Sometimes there is a special mutation that causes three horns on the poll. On the genotype, it is seen as SHSH. Otherwise, the horns are in their normal places. They use them as self defense and never to attack. Once a year, they have a tournament to spar and to practice. Very rarely do they get hurt. 
Most Xenivers have one spur on their pasterns, but some have two. They also use them for self-defense only. They can use them in the tournament also. The spurs are always mostly covered by long hair going down their legs.
Xenivers have very long bodies and a short, stubby face. We do not know where or why that happened, but it does not seem to influence their behavior.Going down their backs, you can see stuff coming out of it. They are the Xeniver's elements. They are inherable. Sometimes, they can get the elements "mixed up". For example: if there is a Xeniver foal whose mom was water and the dad ice, the foal could be a mist foal. But there is a very rare chance it will happen. Only males have the beard going from behind the end of the mouth to the top of their chests. They pride in these greatly and will use beard size as a peaceful way of determining rank. 
They can have normal horse colors like appolosas, bays and paints. Colors are inherable from the parents. Xeniver genotype works like a normal horse, so no curve balls here. The feathers on their legs are all grey, no matter what color  the Xeniver is. But a mutation MAY happen so no promises.
Their breeding season is in winter, and their pregegency lasts about 11 months. Like deer, they usually have one foal, but two foals is normal, especially after a good year with good grazing.  Stallions will split up and try to win over mares to build a miniature herd, usually with 2-5 mares. The herd will only last about 2 months then they get back together. The sparing tournament happens about a month before the start of breeding season, so the stallions know where they stand and not fight over mares.
A month before breeding season, they hold the tournament. They only do this to keep their skills sharp for self-defense. It is played championship style, working the way up to the final two. It lasts about 4 days, two days in each division. There are two divisions, mares and stallions. The stallions tend to be rougher in their fighting. It is one on one fighting, unless you are in the team events. The team event lasts for another two days, one day per division.
PAPA, PApa, papa
BYBY,BYby, byby
CECE, CEce, cece
APAP, APap, apap
DUDU, DUdu, dudu
FxFx, FXfx, fxfx
RNRN, RNrn, rnrn
PLPL, PLpl, plpl
Grey (dappled or regular, never aging)
GRGR, GRgr, grgr
BKBK, BKbk, bkbk
Icing ( on mane and tail, where the color goes from dark to light.)
ICIC, ICic, icic
Frosting (the reverse of icing)
FRFR, FRfr, frfr
Three horned poll
SHSH, SHsh, shsh
Different colored feathers
DFDF, DFdf, dfdf
1 spur
1S1S, 1S1s, 1s1s
2 spur
2S2S, 2S2s, 2s2s
3 spur 
3S3S, 3S3s, 3s3s

If you are interested in one, please message me!


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#176516 Posted on 2018-06-28 03:40:20

The tournament starts next week! Start picking your favorites! A new guy is coming to town in the next couple days.

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