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[iso] character art [tags, sigs, & a ref]

ForumsLooking For... → [iso] character art [tags, sigs, & a ref]

[iso] character art [tags, sigs, & a ref]

#172685 Posted on 2018-06-02 20:11:38

after my four month impromptu hiatus, I've decided that I definitely need to give Cato some love. I'm mostly interested in tags and sigs, and am willing to pay in the range of 50-150k per. maybe more for sigs. 

just throw what you have at me (please include prices). ♥

edit: my new character Merel also needs art! besides tags and sigs, I'm also interested in having her revamped through getting her a complete ref. for style, I'm looking for a ref similar is style and quality to Cato's. no price range for the ref.

Last edited on 2018-06-08 at 20:27:39 by ilsa

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