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ISO Art (Tags/Sigs/Large Art/Ect)

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ISO Art (Tags/Sigs/Large Art/Ect)

#172335 Posted on 2018-05-30 11:30:10

I'm currently looking for any kind of art for my four legged children. 

I'm looking for tag/sig recolors, large art recolors, and possibly some custom stuff depending on who's willing to do it. 

Not looking for page dolls at the moment because I'm currently working on those for myself in-between commissions.

(However if you're looking for page dolls I can send you some examples and I'll do them for 20k a pop c; )

I want art for any/all of them so either you can choose who you want to do or I'll choose one for you.

Here is the page that contains all the babes, feel free to browse.

If you could just drop examples and prices down below that'd be great.

Thank you! 

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