Iso foundation trakehner pair.
Iso foundation trakehner pair. |
#172293 Posted on 2018-05-29 20:59:07
I’m looking for a foundation pair of trakehners to start my new breeding program.
1. They must be a mare and a stallion, unrelated. Foals are fine.
2. They must be trained or bred for show jumping.
3. They must be foundation horses, but generation does not matter.
4. They must be gg. I would love it if they were Crcr or CrCr, but it is not a deal breaker if they are not cream.
5. They must not have the same poors.
6. They must have never been fed on hay cubes, sugar cubes, or peppermints.
I would prefer low non spec stats, but it is not required.
Sorry the requirements are so strict, but i will pay as much as 20k EVD per horse if they meet all requirements.
Please message me if you have a pair you’d like to sell.
Edit. I am also looking for the perfect mate, for this mare.
N1 Flourescent Moon (56.38)
Last edited on 2018-06-08 at 23:51:41 by Sapphire Acres
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