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[Maan] πολύτιμα Μέταλλα

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[Maan] πολύτιμα Μέταλλα

#16781 Posted on 2016-03-08 11:45:53

πολύτιμα Μέταλλα - Stone of Fortune !

CAPAAAHS ! Flashbomp of borendom made this baby's !
Made out of the most expensive stones in outerspace !
Capash...No more borendom talks, i promise =)

SB 100K

[ Bidding ]
1. SB by --
2. SB by --
3. SB by --

1. Out of Space Pink with Christals.

2. Smaragd one with Jungle stripes.

3. Flashes of Stripes

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