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Anyone after a project breed?

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Anyone after a project breed?

#156731 Posted on 2018-03-03 16:12:34

Once upon a time I got very over zealous with filling out my barn and started a bunch of store projects that I no longer wish to continue with haha.

They're nothing special just yet, but if you want a cheap leg up with Foundies then they're perfect.

I've got:

- 14 driving Shetlands all named after coal mines
- 12 first generation driving Minis and 12 second generation driving Minis all with Irish names
- 10 first generation racing Thoroughbreds and 16 second generation racing Thoroughbreds all named after RL racehorses

Looking for offers so PM me and we can work something out.

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#156976 Posted on 2018-03-04 03:26:41

Ooh I like a project!

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Fabelhaft [DWBs & Trakes]

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