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Super Low-Stat Horses

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Super Low-Stat Horses

#146814 Posted on 2018-02-05 20:20:13

I know that when you breed two horses together that each have 100 stats, the foal can end up with 99 or even 98 total stats.  Does anyone know what happens if you breed together two horses that have stats under 100?  Do they continue to get lower, or is 98 the lowest you can get?

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#146816 Posted on 2018-02-05 20:24:10

I'm not sure, but I once saw a horse who had only 96 stats! o.O

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#146822 Posted on 2018-02-05 20:38:38

I've done projects to create stupidly low statted horses, and the lowest I got to was 84 stats I think. But, if I kept up with it, I'd figure I could've bred a foal with much lower than that. But, it was hard to do as I had to avoid anything that would give them stats lol 

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#146848 Posted on 2018-02-05 21:32:31

The reason for this is that the average of the breeding formula is rounded down.

So the key to breeding down stats is having breeding pairs that have odd numbers added up (21 +20, vs 19+21).

I think. Or it's at least part of the reason.

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#146859 Posted on 2018-02-05 21:43:10

That makes sense, Marigold.  When I get some spare time, I'll have to look more carefully at my new experimental herd, and see if that holds true for my first batch of foals.  If it is true, then I will have to be very carefully how I match my breeding pairs, to get maximum stat loss.

Sib - it really is surprisingly hard to keep your horses from gaining stats!  You really have to do nothing but the basic care options, and sometimes it's harder to do nothing than to do something.  Did you give the horses a discipline, and, if so, did you find that it affected how/where you lost stats?

Ducky - I did a horse search and found one that was 97.  One of its parents was a 100 stat foundation, and the other one was the foal of two 100 stat foundations.

I'm looking into it because it may be an option for those who want to breed down non-discipline stats.  Just breed them all down as low as possible, and then start boosting the discipline stats.  Slow process, but possible.

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#146876 Posted on 2018-02-05 22:11:28

Question, when doing this if is it possible to raise the speciality stats while still rounding down the non speciality stats?

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#146878 Posted on 2018-02-05 22:13:55

Zest- yes! as the parent same specialty bonus would come into play. However, because I haven't worked it out on paper I'm not sure if/how long it take to lower non specialty stats really at all!

Ooh this editing is funky, I accidentally pressed an alignment button because I'm on my phone haha

Last edited on 2018-02-05 at 22:14:29 by marigold sunshine

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#146879 Posted on 2018-02-05 22:16:02

xD I might have to start up a project herd for this one, I'm very intrigued!

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#146896 Posted on 2018-02-05 22:46:08

Wait, Marigold - does that mean that you can breed down non-discipline stats this way with any horse, not just 100 stat or lower?  

Does having a discipline work differently than having no discipline?  I know the formula is different for discipline stats than it is for non-discipline stats when it comes to my higher stat horses.  This experimental herd is the only one I've ever done without a discipline assigned.

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#146898 Posted on 2018-02-05 22:49:50

I'm actually not completely positive, as I have never tried to do this, since trying to get all odd numbers is a bit of a headache for me. I am not sure if it really does much good at all, you'd have to match up odd numbers (as in parents stats added together) over several generations and you'd still just get a stat decrease of a stat or so.

I'm guessing (in an educated way) that this is why the 100 stat horses can produce horses with lower stats. We just never notice this with our higher stat horses ;)

Essentially, the formula for a non discipline stat is the average of the parents' base stats if they haven't been increased at the time of breeding. It is the same formula whether a horse ha 100 stats or 1000

Last edited on 2018-02-05 at 23:02:13 by marigold sunshine

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#146921 Posted on 2018-02-06 06:29:49

The more I think about this, I am realizing that there will be a limit how low you can breed non-discipline stats, because it is all based on averages.

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