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*Possible Rewards for Hall of Famers?

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*Possible Rewards for Hall of Famers?

#143834 Posted on 2018-01-28 08:06:51

I know I haven't been here very long (bordering a month now, I think?) so I apologize if it isn't necessarily my place to be making suggestions right away. However, after scrolling through quite a few pages on this forum board, I noticed that this suggestion hasn't been made- and would like to just through it out there as a possible idea to add to the game later on, of course, when the administrators of this game have the time.

I will admit that I don't know if the players rankings host rewards for reaching top bars, but after the luck to finding a horse in the rescue, and after training it up a bit, I was able to maintain a Hall of Fame ranking for quite a few days concerning reward money from shows- I do know that having a hall of fame horse doesn't host any bonuses other than seeing your horse's name on the roster when you visit the Hall of Fame through the Town.

The thought entered my mind that perhaps more people would be more inclined to train their horses up before breeding if it meant actual rewards for a horse's performance? I have only been here a month (almost), but a constant complaint I've seen has been there being far too many foundation horses and poorly bred horses clogging up the game. Now, this may not be a 'cure all' for that problem, but I know incentive leads to proactive action.

I was thinking that if a horse reaches high enough on the Hall of Fame roster for their breed, that the breed be rewarded for producing/owning such a well-bred and well-trained horse. Perhaps, by adding actual rankings to these horses, it could also be made easier instead of it simply being in ascending order.

The top three horses for their breed's rankings would be the ones eligible for earning their owners a well-off reward. Of course, the admins are more than able to change these prizes/rewards based on necessity and their preferences. But the baseline idea I had was this:

  • 3rd Place Ranked Horse: $5000

  • 2nd Place Ranked Horse: $10000

  • 1st Place Ranked Horse: $20000

And if it isn't too implausible, there could also be an additional ribbon that stays with the horse alongside the ribbons earned by them through competition placings. Perhaps a ribbon that simply states 'Hall of Fame Recipient' that would be especially rewarded to the 1st place ranked horse.

These rankings could/would change weekly, and would be given to both the horses w/ the most points, and the horses w/ the most money earned for their owner. Of course, this system would depend on how drastically the rankings themselves change per breed. If the rankings don't change once the week changes over to the next, I'd imagine the rewards would be handed out again to whomever owns the top horses (although the ribbon, if added, could only be given once). For the players who would be very interested in seeing how their horse is coming along in the rankings, they could possibly be able to go to the Hall of Fame page and be able to look up exactly what ranking an individual horse is placed in at the time.

My feelings won't be hurt if this isn't added or received with open arms, just thought it may be a fun little way to drive better breeding for the players of this game to try and combat the overpopulation of unwanted foundations and poorly bred horses. Thank you all ahead of time for those who took the time to read this.

Last edited on 2018-01-29 at 11:31:00 by River

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#143837 Posted on 2018-01-28 08:22:02

It would be nice to have some kind of acknowledgement about having horses in the hall of fame but this should be restricted to just the extra ribbon for the horse because to be honest those lists don't change much from month on month and you would just get the same people winning the cash which I would imagine would upset other members on EV if they aren't on the hall of fame at all.

Edit - to add maybe  the first time your horse hits the top spot of the HOF you could get a one off cash prize but even if you hold that spot with the same horse for most of its EV lifespan you don't get any more $$

Last edited on 2018-01-28 at 08:26:03 by Fabelhaft [DWBs/Trakes]

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#143838 Posted on 2018-01-28 08:25:22

@Fabelhaft [DWBs/Trakes]: That is understandable. So, if instead of the rankings being updated weekly, would monthly (or even bi-monthly) be a better option?

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#143839 Posted on 2018-01-28 08:31:12

Don't het me wrong I like your idea I just dunno how it should be implemented. Speaking from someone wjo has had/has pixels in the HOF I honestly don't know  what to suggest to keep everyone happy! 

I didn't set out to have anything to do with the HOF but after playing for 6.5yrs & remaining dedicated to specific breeds all that time it just happened naturally as better generations were bred.

It still won't solve the breeding of "inferior" pixels because everyone plays EV their own way. and rightly so! What I aim for isn't what others do & that's ok. 

Last edited on 2018-01-28 at 08:33:59 by Fabelhaft [DWBs/Trakes]

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