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1,000 Stat Foundi QH Stallion for Stud.

ForumsHorse Classifieds → 1,000 Stat Foundi QH Stallion for Stud.

1,000 Stat Foundi QH Stallion for Stud.

#143007 Posted on 2018-01-24 21:16:29

1 breeding available, thank you for having a look :)

Please note: to be approved for a breeding your horse must meet the following requirements:
1: Your horse Must be 16 years of age, or older.
2: Your horse Must Not be closely related to the horse you are requesting to breed.
3: Your horse Must have less then 5 foals.

≽Interstellar Tango

20 years old (ages in 2 days)

Sable Champagne, frame overo

Stats: 1020

non-spec Stats: 55

Conf: 58

$25,000 stud fee

Last edited on 2018-01-28 at 09:45:57 by ≽BlueEyedLuv≼

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