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#141991 Posted on 2018-01-19 13:06:30

I'll admit it, I have been wanting to start up a line of good-statted, well bred horses. But I can't figure out for the life of me how to do it. I tried making foals and then raising them to be higher statted, but the only thing that will raise they're stats are the treats, and they raise they're stats 1-2 every day. So I don't get much out of it. Please, any suggestions would be so helpful right now! Thanks. (:

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#141996 Posted on 2018-01-19 13:30:04

Placing in daily shows can give stats sometimes up to 9 if the horse is good in shows as does putting horses in the riding school which can give anything between 0-9 stats depending on your luck!

Also training the horse daily in the Training Ctr will get it stat boosts every so often which can be very rewarding depending on the level of the horse. Regionals get about 19 extra stats per boost so its worth it.

Also foals interacted with daily can deliver a nice little boost again level depending. My Locals get about 50 plus, regionals get about a 100 stat boost before they start their show careers.

However great horses don't happen overnight unless you buy from established lines from long established players. My main lines are 6.5yrs and 13 generations in the making!!

Last edited on 2018-01-19 at 13:31:35 by Fabelhaft [DWBs/Trakes]

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#141997 Posted on 2018-01-19 13:49:38

Thank you so much!!! 

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#142024 Posted on 2018-01-19 15:23:03

Another suggestion I have is to use hay cubes as treats before the horse turns three. It can be risky because there is a chance that haycubes don't give you any stats at all one day, but in my experience they help out a lot with stat boosting over time. Once the horse turns 3 and you pick its discipline all the stats gained will transfer to the two stats associated with the discipline you picked. But again there is risk of it not getting stats one day but its up to you if your willing to take the risk. 

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#142035 Posted on 2018-01-19 16:25:06

@abigale- you pick one discipline and then convert it to another using your methods.

@rainy- like fabelhaft said, interact with your foals daily. Also, when you're looking through the RC/EC, look for horses with low non specialty stats and confo over 55/well distributed conformation (horse with all goods is better than horse with half perfect and half terrible)

You just have to be patient (:

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#142050 Posted on 2018-01-19 18:35:06

@ marigold
doesn't it work when you first convert the foal? or no?

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#142060 Posted on 2018-01-19 19:19:07

Abigale - you have to select discipline, then convert to another in order for the stats to go where you want them. 

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#142061 Posted on 2018-01-19 19:21:25

^picking one discipline just adds the foal training bonus to those stat areas, it doesn't convert gained stats.

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#142084 Posted on 2018-01-19 23:34:55

Thanks guys!! I appreciate the help alot. (:

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#142127 Posted on 2018-01-20 09:58:48

To raise a high-stat horse from a foundation (over 1000 stats is possible) there is a basic formula you follow.  You need to do all these things, not just one or two.  (Most of this, people already mentioned, but I wanted to lay it out in an organized fashion, to make it easier for you and anyone else reading.)

1.) Feed your foal hay cubes until it turns three.  Use peppermints if you can find/afford them.  (Only use this option if you will be able to afford $10,000 to convert training when the horse turns three.  Otherwise, only use treats that correspond with the stat traits of your desired specialty, such as red apples or turnips for driving, or yellow apples and carrots for show jumping.) 

2.) Train your foal every day.  If there is more than one option for training, do a different one each day.  You can put a reminder of what you've already done in your private notes if it makes it easier for you to remember what to train on next.  The option to train your foal is located on the foal's page, unlike adult horses, where you have to go to an arena.

3.) When your horse turns three and you have the option to choose a specialty, first give it one you do not actually want for the horse.  Then go to the training center and "convert training" to your desired specialty.  This will move all stats acquired after birth to the stat traits of your desired specialty.  Conversion costs $10,000 the first time, and two credits every time after that, so make sure you have the necessary funds on hand.  (If you chose not to use hay cubes or peppermints on the foal, just select the specialty you actually want the first time.)  

4.) Feed your horse only the treats that correspond with the stat traits of your desired specialty from age three on.  Do not use sugar cubes, hay cubes, or peppermints unless you intend not to show your horse, and then be aware that many people will not buy or breed to a horse with high stats outside the specialty traits, and the horse will pass those high stats on to its foals, and those foals will not be able to move those stats, even when using "convert training."

5.) Train your horse every day.  When your stat boost points are full, cash them in for a stat boost.  You will be able to cash them in every ten days.  You need to use a training arena that is at least the grade of your horse - for example, a Novice horse can only use a Novice or better arena.  A Regional horse can use a Regional or better.  (For higher player experience points, choose an arena that exactly matches the horse in grade and specialty - a Local Dressage arena for a Local Dressage horse.  Choosing the exact same grade is also cheaper, as the grades increase in minimum price as they get higher.)  Mares cannot be trained when they are pregnant, and no horse can be trained after the age of 22.

6.) Choose if you want to show your horse, or send it to riding schools.  Showing tends to require the most money invested, and can be risky and complicated, but if done wisely, it will give the greatest stat returns, and you can turn a tidy profit and gain a lot of experience points for you and horse points for your horse.  You also have the potential to end up in the hall of fame for members or horses with the most money or points earned, which are not categories available to those who do not show their horses.  Riding schools are easier and more dependable, and will earn you money and items, as well as player experience points.  Your horse will not gain horse points, and money earned will not be eligible to put you in the hall of fame.

6A.)  If you chose to show your horse, first fully equip it with fully upgraded tack for the chosen specialty.  You can enter your horse in ten shows a day.  Your horse will not earn any stats if there are not at least five horses in the show when it runs, and only the horses who score first, second, and third will earn anything at all.  It is best to enter no more than three of your own horses in any given show for this reason, and it is often a good idea to look at the other horses entered in that show to see if your horse can beat them.  (Remember that other people may come along afterwards and enter their horses in that show, especially if there is a lot of time left before the show runs.)  To ensure that your horse is put in the best possible shows for its success, it is best not to use auto show.  The scoring of the horses depends on the total number of stats in your two specialty traits, plus the bonus stats in those two traits given by your upgraded tack.  There is a slight random factor included in the scoring called "Luck," which tends more in your favor the higher your training level is.  (There are five training levels, and you raise them by training your horse, which you have already been doing while working towards your stat boosts.)  If you have the highest specialty stats in the show, with level five tack and a training level of five, you should win the show most of the time, but there is still a slight chance you will lose.  Horses tend to win better when they at the top of their grade's stat range (for example, Local 5 horses run from 550-599 stats.)  The stats that determine your grade include all the stat traits, not just the specialty ones, and they do not include tack.  Some people who show their horses only show them when they are at the top of their grade's range, and put them in schools when they are at the bottom of that range.  This is a personal choice, and it is still possible for a foundation horse to reach over 1000 stats by the end of their life if they are exclusively shown.  Mares cannot be shown on the day they give birth, and no horse can be shown after it turns 22.

6B.)  If you choose to put your horse in riding schools, it does not matter for stats what school you put them in, or what session type you choose.  You will get 0-1 stat per hour.  Some days you may not gain any stats, and some days you may gain several.  It will not hurt your horse to put it in a riding school of a different specialty - the stats will still go to the two specialty traits of the horse, not the school.  Choose someone else's riding school to make money (the owner will get a cut.) - if you choose your own (if you have one) you will not earn any.  Personal experience points, money, and number of items (apples, turnips, carrots, hay cubes and sugar cubes, with an occasional unicorn plushie) received depend on what session type you choose.  It is better for you to choose a riding school of the horse's specialty, but it does not hurt the horse in any way if you do not.  Mares can use riding schools throughout their pregnancies, even on the day they give birth, and 22 year olds can also be put in riding schools.

If you follow these guidelines, you will get a premium, high-stat horse at the end, that anyone would be proud to own.

To breed a foal with the best possible stat potential, find a stallion and a mare with high specialty trait stats, and at least foundation level stats in all other traits, if not lower.  Both horses should be the same specialty.  Breed them when they are both 20 years old, ages tomorrow, to ensure the highest possible stats for the foal.  Then raise that foal according to the same guidelines.  It will not take very many generations before you end up with some pretty intimidating, extremely valuable, show quality horses.

Note - currently, horses descended from foundations created after the recode cannot breed their non-specialty trait stats below foundation levels.  Any horse with single digit non-specialty traits has pre-recode ancestry.  Abbey has said that she will fix that eventually, but other things are higher priority.  Low non-specialty trait stats give a show horse an advantage, since a larger portion of its stats can actually be used to win shows, not just bump it up to a higher grade. So, currently, if you want horses with below foundation level non-specialty traits, you will have to buy or breed to horses with pre-recode ancestry. You will not be able to achieve it from a foundation herd with no outside influence, no matter how many generations you breed.

I hope this is helpful.

Last edited on 2018-01-21 at 06:44:26 by Confessor

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#142267 Posted on 2018-01-20 21:13:05

Wait - so if i put my western horse in a dressage riding school they will still only get stats for their specialty? 

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#142271 Posted on 2018-01-20 21:20:57

Thank you Confessor!!!

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#142275 Posted on 2018-01-20 21:29:26

Couple of corrections @Confessor : its 20 days (ages tomorrow) not 21 (ages tomorrow) for final breeding day.

It is possible (though perhaps so uncommon as to be not worth mentioning) to get single digit stats post recode: Mrakasze has a 9 in strength.

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#142314 Posted on 2018-01-21 06:43:56

You are right, Almare.  My bad.  I'll change it to avoid confusion.

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#142315 Posted on 2018-01-21 06:46:31

And wow, that is an amazingly low stat for a foundation.  I don't think I've ever seen that before.  

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