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ISO ; Tags/Small Art

ForumsLooking For... → ISO ; Tags/Small Art

ISO ; Tags/Small Art

#141075 Posted on 2018-01-15 12:58:50

After combing through my charries, I realized a bunch of them don't have art, or any love. Soooo, I'm seeking art for them c: As the title says, mostly tags or small art/icons/ETC

*Can be Free to use recolored things.

*Can Be tags from old sales or custom, whatever.

*Multiple charries can be done on the same tag, doesnt bug me.

*Message me, post here, whatever floats your goat.

*I'll probably give you free reign over what charries you do.

*Add ons are encouraged, but probably not nessisary.

*Full body, Headshots, Butt shots, whateverrrr.

Shoot me a price, images, whatever is needed c:


Last edited on 2018-01-18 at 10:03:50 by Lucifer

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