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ForumsLooking For... → ISO Art


#137765 Posted on 2017-12-31 10:53:56

This is a reused post!

I am looking for art (tags, sigs, lrg art, etc..)

Halloween or dark (rainy, or night time) prefered! 

I do not want customs right now. 

Looking for recolors of old art or not yet sold art (I am looking or already have through the current ones)

Post the recolors and pricing! If you accept evc please include your conversion. 

Also if you are interested in a possible art trade message me!

The characters:

New Babe 

- Stallion

- Must include the blood, visible rib outlines, and his mouth

- His addon is not required 

- If you do his addon you must provide a link to a version without

 Also New Babe

- Mare

- Must include her mouth, and glowing horn (doe not need to be that tall), and her 3 eyes

- Other glow is not required but prefered if the glow is included please provide a version without the glow to

- Her mane is the same color as her tail

Last edited on 2018-01-03 at 17:36:30 by Beacon

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