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Oh, good+Update

ForumsMiscellaneous Chat → Oh, good+Update

Oh, good+Update

#136180 Posted on 2017-12-23 13:51:39

So, I just kinda had a freak out moment since like- oh-... (I just did morse code. ;P) Monday.
So, basically, I went onto this site that my brother said was safe, and I tried downloading something from it. Well, it didn't work- it actually downloaded a virus on my computer. O_O So anyways, it wouldn't let me onto the internet and it started corrupting files that it shouldn't be corrupting. Bleh, so ya that was annoying. But luckily my dad figured out what was wrong and it's all fixed now!

Also, sorry for being super absent lately. I've been trying to enjoy life while I'm on winter break so I haven't been paying much attention to ya'll. Sorry. And about that weird sickness-or-not-sickness stomach ache issue I was having; it has gone away for the most part. I still have a little stomach ache during the night but nothing too major. (: Welp, good to see ya'll again and Merry Christmas!!!! 

(Oh, also; I am doing art for someone, and since I have alot of free time on my hands, who would be interested in an art/tag sale?)  

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