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Foundation & Conformation Question

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Foundation & Conformation Question

#132943 Posted on 2017-12-10 22:03:24

I saw something interesting today while browsing through horses. I noticed a foundation horse that had over 95 conformation! Is that even possible? If so, how do I get one? Lol. 

At first I thought maybe it was something before the new EV. My older horses that had already past showed higher stats once the new version came out. But I noticed the create date was in August last year (on my birthday, haha). Just wondering about that. And if anyone has ever gotten such a fanominal foundation horse like that. 

Also, do custom horses share the same low stats as the equine center foundation horses?

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#133060 Posted on 2017-12-11 11:24:10

I do think customs have a slightly higher conformation rating than foundations.

The highest conformation I ever got in a foundation was 64%, so I'm guessing a 95% conformation foundie is a horse from before the recode.

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#133084 Posted on 2017-12-11 13:22:44

From what I have noticed custom horses will not come with a "poor" conformation. They will all say good. However the highest I have gotten on a custom for conformation was around 63 so 95 doesn't seem likely now a days even with custom horses. That is just my experience though. 

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#133105 Posted on 2017-12-11 14:17:38

any foundation with above 66 conformation is definitely from before the recode. 
since the recode, the range in confo for stores seems to be 40-65.99, with customs having much better confo than the average equine center horse. 

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#133202 Posted on 2017-12-11 20:40:44

Why's the conformation set at 65? if we never had the horses from before the recode, it would never go above 65? Idk if there are some sort of items or a special way to breed better conformation then 65. Just curious xD 

Last edited on 2017-12-11 at 20:45:29 by Therion

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#133203 Posted on 2017-12-11 20:43:25

it’s possible to increase conformation with purposeful breeding (and it’s possible to lower it as well with haphazard pairings). The highest confo gotten from a post-recode line is 68 at generation 5. Slow going, but steady! 

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#133206 Posted on 2017-12-11 20:47:53

Hmm doesn't it give unfair advantage to anyone who has the older horses. If you ever wanted better con you'd have to buy from those players. If you never wanted to out source horses/breeding, your left with no way to ever increase your conformation on your horses. It be stuck at the foundation lvl 65.

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#133207 Posted on 2017-12-11 20:53:55

is it possible you misread my reply? 
you can increase confo above the max 65 of a store horse through breeding.

pre-recode lines do have much higher conformation, but it’s not impossible to achieve from post-recode horses (though it will take many generations and crosssing in pre-recode lines is faster and easier)

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#133209 Posted on 2017-12-11 20:58:57

I think I misunderstood your post. So if you keep breeding 65 horses you can eventually work it up too a 66? [No pre-recode horses involved]

Edit: Never mind I'm being stupid, you don't need to answer. Sorry for bothering you! 

Last edited on 2017-12-11 at 21:06:50 by Therion

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