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Hi, I have Pro tip! whats yours?

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Hi, I have Pro tip! whats yours?

#129195 Posted on 2017-11-21 18:34:07

So I realize that the drop down menus have horses listed in Alphabetical order. 

So my tip for those of you that keep varying disciplines and large amounts of horses, is this.

Say we have 6 horses and there names are

Andy  Driving
billy   Racing 
blood  Show jump 
Carrot  Driving
Eggs  Racing 
Gloria   Driving 

they would show up in the list as such, though thats not how they would look exactly. Now its a pain to sort that out.  As it goes in Alphabetical order. 

However if you were to do this..... It would make life easier.

Dr Andy 
Dr Carrot 
Dr Gloria 
R Billy 
R Eggs
SJ Blood 

See they suddenly line up as to what Division they are. Personally I don't do this, because I like sorting through it Its like a free eye spy with my little eye game lol I am strange.

Yes, This does make all your Driving Horses Doctors  All your racing horses  Pirates..... and all your show jumpers  Authors. Who have the same monogram in front of there last name.

Also make all your Dressage,  with the first Initial of D 
all your  Endurance horses  well  the titles to a series  that might be popular to Video gamers. 

Westerns well you could have them all be  places I mean West Corner :P would be neat for a horse.

He he 

I'd End up with some funny horses. Dr Celt, D Black Lightening. West Windigo , R Unicorn. End MoonRunner,  Sj Black Magic ( can't remember exactly which one of mine are which) 

So do you have a pro tip, or funny story about a pixilated horse? Do tell.

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#129197 Posted on 2017-11-21 18:59:45

Well to solve the whole 'discipline' problem is simpler than that.

Most people have only one discipline for a certain breed.
Like how my Tekes are Dressage and my Vanners are Driving. (i think)

Just use different divisions.
They show up separate on any drop down menu.
And if that division is locked, it just appears empty in the menu.

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#129203 Posted on 2017-11-21 20:05:24

In my horse's private notes I have what treats are needed for the disciplines I have my horses in. 

Here's my setup
Western : Speed (SPD) Intelligence (INT)
Carrots (C) = SPD
Green apples (GA) = INT

Now, if I decide I need to switch treats for all the horses, I put the treat initials in their names of what I'm going to switch them over to so I can do a mass-treat assignment.

Example horses
Red Solstice (C)
Ima Fancy (GA)

Currently Red is on carrots, and Fancy is on green apples. I know what they are eating because I put the treat initials in parentheses. Say there are more horses with different treats assigned and I go through all of them to see what stats I need to boost. So whatever horses now need different treats, I change the letters.

Now Red and Fancy look like this
Red Solstice (GA)
Ima Fancy (C)

Red is now eating green apples and Fancy is eating carrots.

Now to do a mass select of what horses need a switch on the assignment page, I just press and hold Ctrl key on the keyboard and select all horses that I'm going to change to a certain treat. Then go as normal with the treat assignment.

There may be an easier way to do this, but that's what I found easiest for me

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