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First Tag critique

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First Tag critique

#128600 Posted on 2017-11-17 12:53:57

so... I made a tag:

I'm fairly new at art, but I thought this would be good for my first tag sale.

So what can I improve on/ do differently?

Also, what should I price this at?

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#128603 Posted on 2017-11-17 13:11:57

I think it's cute! I think if your going for something more cute instead of something realistic, this would be perfect. I would say 10k-20k at the highest? I love it though!

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#128608 Posted on 2017-11-17 13:38:30

Dawww, this is cute. I agree with RDS, somewhere around 20k would be a good starting point. You can up your price as you advance in your artsy fartsy skills ;D

The thing that sticks out to me the most is how thick the neck is. I would thin it out juuuust a little ^.^

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#128612 Posted on 2017-11-17 13:52:49

Thanks for the help you guys. ♥

@Ruby: It's actually the neck and the mane together, it's just hard to tell on the black horse.

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#128613 Posted on 2017-11-17 13:55:38

Actually the mane is fine. Its the part of the neck that attaches to the jawline, it's a little too thick right in there ^.^

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#128615 Posted on 2017-11-17 13:57:24

Actually the mane is fine. Its the part of the neck that attaches to the jawline, it's a little too thick right in there ^.^

I can redline it to show you what I mean if that might help

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#128617 Posted on 2017-11-17 14:03:39

I think I see what you're talking about... I'll see if I can fix it.

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#128781 Posted on 2017-11-18 21:27:32

Rofl, I just noticed what you meant by saying the line was part of the mane XD

My bad!

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