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Pricing help?

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Pricing help?

#128464 Posted on 2017-11-16 17:08:01

Hi there, thanks for looking! I'm super new to EV, but looking to make some extra $$ for my ponies. I'm hoping you lovely people might be able to help me out with pricing ideas for my art.

I am not looking for critiques at this time, so if this is the wrong board for this, I apologize... Just let me know and I'll get it moved asap!

Click to go to my DeviantArt

Example 1
Example 2
Example 3

Here's a little form for you to fill out if you'd like, it would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to be as specific as you'd like.

Headshot price EVD/EVC:
Full body price EVD/EVC:
Anything else?:

Thank you so much for you help c:

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#128506 Posted on 2017-11-16 20:35:16

Name/ID: Jenandra
Headshot price EVD/EVC: 50k EVD/ (1 credit?)
Full body price EVD/EVC: 150k EVD / 1 credit
Anything else?: If you're trying to set the same price in EVD and EVC, the going rate on the credit exhange is around 135-150k EVD per credit right now. (I try to set my pricing so that the cost is about equal no matter which currency is used; seems weird to me have it be uneven.) 

Oh, I know you weren't looking for critique, but your art is pretty good! c: 

Last edited on 2017-11-17 at 14:23:46 by Jenandra

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#128540 Posted on 2017-11-17 04:10:17

Name/ID: ArabianDreams (#66090)
Headshot price EVD/EVC: 50k - 150k
Full body price EVD/EVC: 150k - 300k
Anything else? It depends if you want to do a tag sale (150×150) with headshots or full bodies, tags are about 50k - 100k mostly and large art which can be any size can be from 150k - 300k. Also most people/players have always considered 1 EVC to be 50k - 60k. Also love your art :D

Last edited on 2017-11-17 at 04:52:39 by ❤Arabian Dreams❤

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#128616 Posted on 2017-11-17 14:00:55

Name/ID: Ruby (#35396)
Headshot price EVD/EVC: 50k - 200k [Depending on size]
Full body price EVD/EVC: 200k - and up [ again, depending on size]
Anything else? Nup! Only that I'm excited to see what you make 8D

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#128621 Posted on 2017-11-17 14:45:56

Since we're discussing pricing, if I could throw my 2 cents in here again, I know that some people maintain that 1 credit should be worth 50-60k, but that just isn't the case of you look at the actual credit exchange. To get that lower rate you have to ask for it and find someone willing to sell, usually on the forums. I think its much better to go with the more stable (albeit higher) rate if you plan on trying to exchange one for the other at some point in the future. 150k is immediately echangeable for a credit and you can be a lot more confident that the pricing is equivalent and will stay that way, even if you don't find a seller, but that's just me. 

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#128787 Posted on 2017-11-18 22:05:36

Thank you for the help, everyone! It helps a lot!

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