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#129359 Posted on 2017-11-22 18:39:29

Wolf Name: Arcane

Pack: Mul

Rank: Guard

Description: Arcane is a tall and slender, his legs much longer than suited for his slender body. His fur is red in tint with streaks of black, tan, and brown from his brows to the tip of his tail. White fur that is as white as snow creates a mask on his face and covers his chest and paws. His nose and paw pads are black as charcoal and his eyes are a mesmerizing color of pure gold.

Personality: Arcane is an on the spot kind of thinker which means he takes great pride in procrastinating any sort of plans he makes. He finds himself following every order given and abides by every law, finding it his duty to stick with traditions. Very rarely does Arcane find himself letting something slide, but on occasion he just might with a little persuasion. But don't take advantage of his warm and kind heart, for he might never for give you.


Wolf Name: Kol

Pack: Bia

Rank: Median

Description: Kol is of an average looking wolf with a dull gray pelt. His back has patches of black and brown fur with a creamy white underside. His nose is a dark brown with his paw pads to match. His eyes are are also a dark brown color that blends into his dull gray fur.

Personality: Kol is or rather he was a wolf full of hate and only sought out destroy anything, everything, and anyone that stumbled across his path. It was his jealousy that drove his maniacal ways through which he only sought attention and love from his family. Though, through time of realizing that there was no use in fighting for the love and attention, he began to soften. In the place of his vengeful personality became a gentle soul that wanted to bring the world peace and teach others the way of finding peace. 

Other: He is a former Mul pack member.

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#129367 Posted on 2017-11-22 18:55:58

@Queen Bird - Accepted!

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#131784 Posted on 2017-12-05 13:47:25

We just need a few more characters, and we can start!

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#131869 Posted on 2017-12-05 21:22:34

FYI, I made Vyre's sister. c:

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#131879 Posted on 2017-12-05 23:15:45

Wolf Name:  Lux

Pack: Mul

Rank: Beta?

Description: Lux has a light grey coat with matting. She has yellow eyes. She has two scars, one running down her front left leg and the other on her right shoulder

Personality: Lux is rough and brash. She follows all of Tanis' laws and makes others obey. She detests the Bia pack and wishes they were the only one. She would never say it, but she is slightly jealous of Tanis.

Other: If she can't be Beta, thats fine :D

Wolf Name: Bellator

Pack: Bia

Rank: Guard

Description: Bellator is a dark grey, with dark brown eyes. He has one scar on the inside of his right hind leg but he keeps it well hidden.

Personality: Bellator is determined to keep the Bia safe, he doesn't always trust every Mul that comes. but he tries to make them feel welcome.


Wolf Name: Luna

Pack: Bia

Rank: Median

Description: Luna is a dark black with brown eyes. She is a small wolf but she is strong

Personality: Luna is very kind, and follows any rules of the Bia pack. She is very close to Stella and they are never more than a few feet away from each other. Luna wishes that the two packs could be kinder to one another, but knows it probably wont ever happen.


Wolf Name: Stella

Pack: Bia

Rank: Median

Description: Stella is a dark grey with brown eyes. She is larger than Luna, but still dainty. 

Personality: Stella is almost as nice as Luna, but if Luna is in trouble, she will do whatever it takes to help her.


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#131916 Posted on 2017-12-06 08:58:31

@PurpleMagic - Accepted!

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#131934 Posted on 2017-12-06 10:44:49

Will you open this now? Or do we need more characters?

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#131951 Posted on 2017-12-06 11:20:00

I'll open it. 

Quick note for those who signed up for Mul Pack:

I noticed a few of the Mul wolves may possibly switch packs. I'd like to limit the number that switch, so if you would like yours to eventually switch, please shoot me a PM. I will probably only let at the most one or two switch over. 

Sign ups will remain open for anybody interested in joining.

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#134537 Posted on 2017-12-17 10:56:41

Wolf name: Skye
Pack: Bia
Rank: Guard
Description: Skye is a mixed gray and white she-wolf with more gray than white on her pelt. The she-wolf has a lean thin body type and lean average sized legs and a fluffy tail that’s dark gray. Skye has brown eyes and a scar on her neck from a little to much rough playing as a pup. Her nose is a dark black and her paw pads match. 
Personality: Skye is friendly wolf to those in her pack and wishes that the Mul’s would get along with the Bias. Often times she tells story’s to the pups of what she does as a guard. Even though Skye is a guard and wouldn’t hurt anyone she would lay her life on the line for her pack if it ever came down to it.
Other: Her sister Storm is a Mul since her mother and father had a forbiddin romance and there mother got pregnant and she took Skye and her father who she doesn’t know took Storm. But they don’t know there related. 

Wolf name: Storm
Pack: Mul 
Rank: Warrior
Description: Looking more like her father she has a darker gray tone and black fur mixed and matter together. Her nose is black and match her paw pads. Storm has a long tail and a well muscled body from being a warrior. Storm has dark brown eyes and has a notch in one ear. Storm also has a scar on her right hind leg from a fight she was in but took most of the blows from the fight and her ear and leg resulted in it. 
Personality: Almost judgemental to others she minds her own business and stays out of the way finding others highly annoying. Even though she stays out of the way she is willing to speak her mind and once she’s set in something she won’t budge. Storm is also very hot-headed when it comes to others and when you get on the wrong side she won’t hesitate to fight. She can’t decide the disgusting Bias and won’t hesitate to kill one if it came to it. 
Other: She’s related to Skye but doesn’t know it. 

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#134614 Posted on 2017-12-17 15:21:25

Accepted! :) 

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#135227 Posted on 2017-12-19 15:33:28

Wolf Name: Spottedleaf

Pack: mul

Rank: Warrior

Description: Black with white flecks under belly, nose tip, paws, and tail tip

Personality: Sassy, sarcastic, wise, kind, quik to put wolves in their spots when they are akcting up

Other: n/a

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#138971 Posted on 2018-01-05 11:40:13

Oh, sorry! If you're still interested, accepted.

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