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Need Christmas ideas

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Need Christmas ideas

#127829 Posted on 2017-11-12 02:20:28

That was one of my sigs last year and also did a Christmas carol tag/ sig. What should I do this year? I havent done any art all year as it's been a busy one with me moving about. Any ideas?

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#128841 Posted on 2017-11-19 16:06:53

A snowstorm or horse/foal wearing a santa hat would be something I'd be interested in, or maybe a pony wearing a scarf.

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#128860 Posted on 2017-11-19 17:53:46

you could do a foal dressed like rudolph touching noses with rudolph or something like that

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#128873 Posted on 2017-11-19 19:33:59

Maybe the horse in like a snowy clearing with a single Christmas tree and there being a present under it.

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