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sandwich please

ForumsArt Gallery and Critique → sandwich please

sandwich please

#126383 Posted on 2017-11-01 22:28:14

Have you ever heard of the compliment sandwich? it goes like this: I like this about your art, Here is something you could change, and I also like this about the art. 

I would love some sandwiches about my first ever line art! I know the paint job is bad but please look past that at the line art. I am also revising it more and more (trying to get the line thickness the same, playing around with different hair styles. ect) 

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#126407 Posted on 2017-11-02 05:38:16

I really like how smooth and straight all your lines are.  Sometimes you see linearts with those little end of line off curves that people dont go back and erase, but it looks like you got all of yours!  I do think the hair needs a bit of work, it's not bad looking (and much like a foals hair) but the lines for hair don't seem to mesh well with the rest of the lines.  Maybe try an outline of the main hair shape to go around the hair edges, and then use some of those little lines for accent lines like you have on the rest of the piece.  The accent lines look good on the actual horse,  with the thicker outside line and the thinner muscle lines, so maybe it would work for the hair too.

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#126456 Posted on 2017-11-02 14:00:21

Those are adorable

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