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Well Then

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Well Then

#122959 Posted on 2017-09-28 17:09:25

It’s been nearly a year since I’ve been on.  So much has happened. 

Well, next year I’ll be moving out with a good friend of mine.  I’m nervous, scared, and excited.  I also put down a deposit for a male 2019 fall Shiba litter, so excited about that.  I’ve got a few names picked out.  I also had a birthday.  Turned 21 and ooooh boy...oooooh boooooy that was fun!  If you don’t remember, I had an abusive job at Taco Bell, and have since quit.  November will make one year I’ve had a new job, and while I love it, it doesn’t pay the best.  That being said, I am looking for another job.  Considering taking on a second job.  Still working on getting my license.  I’ve been super busy, as I’m sure you can see.  

How’s everyone?  Not sure how long I’ll be back for but wanted to pop in and say hello. 

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