Colored Quarter Horses!
Forums → Looking For... → Colored Quarter Horses!
Colored Quarter Horses! 1 |
#118136 Posted on 2017-08-16 16:07:02
I am looking for colored quarter horses: meaning they are dunalino, perlino, cremello, champagne, any type of cream, grullo, any type of dun, seal brown, buckskin, and any other color that is NOT bay or chestnut. I will buy black quarter horses if they have a nice pattern I don't already have. Horses with some type of pattern is ideal, but as long as they have color, I am not too picky. LOL. Also, I do not want graying horses. I think we all know how annoying those are LOL.
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Posted By Koda's Foals #112540 Member is Offline 315 forum posts Send A Message |
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