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Rare Colors Club

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Rare Colors Club

#117478 Posted on 2017-08-11 03:10:15

Welcome to the Rare Colors Club thread.

Whats New
With the new clubs settings coming up, I'll be doing lots of changes to our club, including instituting a new registry. This will hopefully make our club a little more active and make it productive to the rare colors community. I originally made the group to help other breeders like me find rare colored horses, and I'm happy with these changes, as I feel our little forum board did not accomplish much.

However I need everyone's help. I only specialize in a couple breeds, and do not know what is considered rare colors for majority of the other breeds on the game. If I could get a few people's input, I can put together a good 'requirements' section for horse registry and we can get that up and running.
So far the breed colors I have:
Andalusian - Black
Friesian - Chestnut
Lipizzaner - Black
Paint - Moreno
Thoroughbred -Creme/White

I know with some breeds it can get a little tricky with the markings/patterns that come with each breed, so for now I will be keeping it to rare base colors, unless someone informs me otherwise. As far as the definition of 'rare' among the breeding community, I realize that it's clearly subjective, and will be using everyone's input as what we, as a whole, can agree is a 'rare' color, to label it as such.

More new stuff will be coming soon, including a new layout and opening the items/credit vault, and making a directory for breeders. If anyone is/knows of a layout maker, I'll be paying in credits, have them message me.

I'll be keeping this updated for those who don't recieve the newsletters

No new contests this month! Sorry guys. :(

Last edited on 2018-09-29 at 17:07:22 by graveyard.

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#144334 Posted on 2018-01-29 19:52:39

Arabs do not have a rare base. Unfortunately we only have the 4 basic colors. Sabino(SbSb Sbsb) is kinda rare and flaxen(ff) is rare. Our breed is boring. I wish they'd add more to it.

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#144354 Posted on 2018-01-29 21:55:15

White is a marking not a color on here...cream genes and any sort of marking is rare though

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#145211 Posted on 2018-02-02 01:22:08

I have not really much idea about genetics and such, but I have a solid paint mare whose colour is 'Moreno'. It's a made up colour on here but my understanding is there isn't many with that colour and the chances of breeding one are slim. You have to get the right colour combo. I bred her once already to a stallion whose preview I could get Moreno but I ended up with a Perlino Dun instead 

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