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Looking for the artist of this 3y/o tag!

ForumsArt Gallery and Critique → Looking for the artist of this 3y/o tag!

Looking for the artist of this 3y/o tag!

#117424 Posted on 2017-08-10 14:08:36

I adopted a design, and this little doll came with it.
It has a signature on it, but I've no clue who it is. x:

I'd really love to know the original artist, so I can properly credit them on my personal site!

The design the tag is based from, if it jogs anyone's memory perhaps...

p.s. if this thread needs to be moved into another forum, please let me know. Figured this would be the safest bet.

Last edited on 2017-08-10 at 14:10:12 by Skelaris

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#118061 Posted on 2017-08-16 06:36:07

I have a couple of those tags myself, I'm absolutely positive I know the person I just cannot remember their name for the life of me. The style of it makes me think Aureolin or Lamarkism but the signature doesn't match either of theirs. But I also can't think who has that signature. 

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#118064 Posted on 2017-08-16 07:19:16

could it possibly be papercut skins? I think they used to have an art style like that before they tried rendering art. not sure if that's their signature though.

it also could be a base someone has bought elsewhere, and has sold recolours on here?

I'm trying to workout what letters are in the signature, I can definitely make out an S, but I can also see a P possibly? and maybe another S?

I do have a tag by papercut skins and the signature looks similar, but I don't know if it's similar enough?

how the sig for papercut skins looks on mine

I don't remember seeing that tag design before though!

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#118137 Posted on 2017-08-16 16:09:00

That papercut skins signature isn't similar to this one, unfortunately. 
I zoomed in and what my eyes see is a S over 15. But I've no clue. The person I bought the horse design from said it is atleast 2-3 years old. 

I appreciate the feedback, hopefully we can find out the artist. (: I will look on dA as well.

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