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#116533 Posted on 2017-08-03 08:15:57

What is a good average confo to shoot for in your heard? 
I'm planning to raise the bar every generation by five average points till I get to a good to great confo in my heard. 

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#116534 Posted on 2017-08-03 08:18:03

I'm okay with 59-60 confo on foundations, unless they have a color I really want.
I'm happier with confo over 70, but stoked to have anything 80+. I'm shooting for the 90s always, a girl can dream haha 

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#116537 Posted on 2017-08-03 08:48:27

Conformation is my lowest priority, so my benchmarks are a little lax compared to a confo breeder's. But for me, mid 50s-mid60s is fine, upper 60s-mid-70s is very nice, upper 70s is great, and into the 80s is fantastic! I in general hope for each gen of mine to have better conformation than the gen before it, but since I breed my horses only 2 or 3 times usually, I just have to kind of accept the best I get out of those results.

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#116547 Posted on 2017-08-03 09:52:48

Confo is so hard to improve. All my foundies are around 58-62 with a couple at 64-65(which is very rare)

I've tested confo breeding with randoms and almost never got offspring with better confo then the best parent. :\

The best I've done is a 62 parent and a 58 parent, and got a 60 foal

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#116557 Posted on 2017-08-03 10:57:01

Styx already mentioned what i was going to bring up.

i have a line of quarter horses that i'm breeding solely for conformation. i started with 58+ confo foundies. Most foals are an average of their parents, with a few being higher and even fewer being lower. The most i've ever increased in a single generation was a 61 and 63 making a 64.75.

while increasing an average of five points per generation sounds like a great goal, it's actually (from what i can tell from 50+ trial breedings) totally impossible with foundations.

i'm on generation 3 (will be at 4 in a couple of days) and while i now have "goods" on each horse in the line, i've not yet gotten anything above "good" or 65 confo

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#116584 Posted on 2017-08-03 15:17:49

Thank you for the info but what I am looking for is a end goal target confo for my Mustang heard. 

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#116585 Posted on 2017-08-03 15:23:24

@ Kahzie and Sytx: oh boy, I was wondering about this. I am planning on breeding for conformation and I was wondering about how easy it will be... I was hoping to reach 80+ conformation by 4th generation but now I wonder if it is even possible DX I really do not want to cross a clean lines with messy lines just to reach 80+ conformation...

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#116592 Posted on 2017-08-03 16:27:31

With my current mustang project, I bred three times and took the best conformed foal on to the second generation... went from average of 57.5 to 59.2. Not a great increase - at this rate it will take like 15 generations to get to a score of 90.

(However Gen 2 have a much "smoother" conformation profile so perhaps the next generation will have a better increase.)

Last edited on 2017-08-03 at 16:29:06 by Almárë

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#116613 Posted on 2017-08-03 19:20:12

having started with 32 store foundies with 58+, i'm now down to 8 third gens. all have 61+ confo.
they'll be bred the day after tomorrow, and i'm hoping to break 65 in the fourth generation. 
breeding to improve conformation is definitely a slow process, but it's a good challenge to the game! 

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#116645 Posted on 2017-08-03 22:23:41

Over 65 with no poors.

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#116663 Posted on 2017-08-04 04:43:11

Thank you Dark Lady.  My horses right now run the gambit between 56-94 confo. After I get my stallions up to stuff.  I am going to work on my mares. My stallions lowest confo are 60 right now and I cull any who are lower than that. 

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#116790 Posted on 2017-08-04 19:39:43

The way I usually breed for confo (I have no idea if this actually works) is that I pair the Goods with the Excellents/Perfects.

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