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Marketplace Offerings - Tack & Treats

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Marketplace Offerings - Tack & Treats

#116471 Posted on 2017-08-02 18:32:30

Currently have the following trades open, figured it wouldn't hurt to gain some extra attention to these trades.

Treats - Consists of single use Red, Yellow and Green Apples, Carrots, and Turnips.  Would swap for a few bags of green or yellow apples.  Will not accept horses.

Western Gear - consists of 4 western saddles and 4 western bridles, all are 5/5 level.  Would swap for equal amount of 5/5 Dressage Bridles and Saddles or reasonable offers of EVD and/or bags of green and yellow apples.  Will not accept horses.

Various Gear - Consists of 1 unknown level racing bridle, 1 5/5 level Racing bridle, 1 5/5 level racing saddle, 11 1/5 jumping saddles, 2 2/5 level jumping saddles, 10 1/5 level jumping bridles, 3 2/5 level jumping bridles.  Would swap for equal amount of Dressage Bridles (15) and Saddles (14) (1/5 level) or reasonable offers of EVD and/or bags of green and yellow apples.  Will not accept horses.

More gear will be posts (95% 5/5 level) as I convert horses over from one discipline to another in the coming weeks.

DNA Tweak: Gray x2  - Consists of 2 DNA Tweak: Gray.  Will accept either 4 EVC (value) or equal amount of EVD.

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