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#116232 Posted on 2017-08-01 08:21:20

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Abbey 🌸

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#116236 Posted on 2017-08-01 08:48:42

dun dun dun!

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#116238 Posted on 2017-08-01 08:50:59

Ooh fun :D 

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#116241 Posted on 2017-08-01 09:30:01

I figured I'd post something here as it's looking unlikely we'll release today :P

Many bugs, lots of coding.  Bleh.

Current Progress:
Main Page
Club Settings
Horse Registry Settings
Bank - Money
Bank - Credits
Bank - Items
Sending Money
Sending Credits
Sending Items
Join Club
Leave Club
Adding Admins
Removing Admins
Promote Admin to Owner
Disband Club
Unlocking Features
Register Horses
Manual Accept/Deny Horses
Auto-Accept Horses
Stud Book
Broodmare Book
Promote Club Mascot
Raffles - Create, Draw Winner, Cancel
Contests - Create, Draw Winner, Cancel

I think that's it... some of these are partially done as well, but just need to be finished off.  It's mostly contests and raffles left in reality.

I estimate we'll probably be ready to go by Friday at the latest, subject to testing it and bugs, depending how much I can get done tomorrow. :)

Last edited on 2017-08-03 at 06:06:16 by Abbey

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#116242 Posted on 2017-08-01 09:33:33

yay!! I can't wait to see the final product! 

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#116351 Posted on 2017-08-01 21:31:24


Will the auto-accept registry feature allow you to specify that only one of the conditions need to be met, instead of all? For example, if I want horses to have either 200+ stats OR 60+ conformation can I specify this? Or would I only be able to say horses much be 200+ stats AND 60+ conformation?

And the ones that aren't auto-accepted, will they be rejected, or will they need to be manually accepted/rejected? I would like to be able to auto-reject any horse of the wrong breed, but all others I'd like to be able to decide myself, as my club has other eligibility criteria that can't be easily coded for, e.g. colour.

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#116359 Posted on 2017-08-02 01:02:12

I can add the ability to auto-accept either "any of the above" or "ALL of the above" so you could set 60 conformation and 200 stats and it will look for either or both of those requirements.

Auto-accepting will only allow horses that fit the criteria to be registered, e.g. only horses that fit will even show up on the drop down list. It won't allow horses that don't fit to apply and then only accept what fits - that would be hell on the server.

Last edited on 2017-08-02 at 01:03:01 by Abbey

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#116362 Posted on 2017-08-02 01:38:21

Super exciting!

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#116415 Posted on 2017-08-02 12:39:41

Looking good Abbey :D

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#116490 Posted on 2017-08-02 21:29:56

So excited! :)

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#116495 Posted on 2017-08-02 22:12:39

Would it be possibly to limit the drop-down list to just horses of the correct breed, even when registration is set to manual?

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#116522 Posted on 2017-08-03 06:05:35

Yes, when registration is set to manual it still checks for all the requirements - manual option only exists in case there's an additional requirement you want to check for.

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