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Herd Help?

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Herd Help?

#113550 Posted on 2017-07-10 12:04:26

So I have pretty huge of collection of mustangs, lots of colours and different pedigrees (especially non-david mustangs) mainly from other players. My problem is that they're pre-recode horses, so while they have amazing base stats (super low non speciality stats), their counted stats are far higher than I'd like. So I'm not really sure if it's worth saving the credits to convert them back to their bred speciality (would cost 194 credits), or to riding school them and attempt to breed them to a more desirable level. Or sell a few on to downsize the herd a bit. My current train of thought is to sell some of the herd, keep my better speciality ones and convert reconvert the endurance foundations (they have endurance based stats). If I was to sell some mustangs I'm hoping to raise enough to be able to convert, especially with the credit value having suddenly increased, but I'm not really sure how viable a breed the mustang is on here anymore. So would appreciate some thoughts on the matter from some mustang breeders? 

You can view them all here, still sorting through them though:
Paired Mustang Division
Unpaired Mustang Division

Last edited on 2017-07-10 at 16:57:01 by Ðreamer

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#113596 Posted on 2017-07-10 17:12:41

I got rid of a lot of my mustangs after the Recode because I really did';nt like the way that the paint patterns - tobiano, overo, sabino, etc - looked on the new breed art. I think a lot of other breeds felt the same way, and mustangs have gone down in popularity since the Recode. However, there is still a solid community of devoted endurance breeders of mustangs so don't give up!

If I were you, I'd keep the foundations and the best stat lined ones you have, excluding any with terrible conformation and keeping nice colors. Maybe keep enough to eventually breed down to a single horse? (so maybe 8 or 16 pairs? depending on how many horses you want to cut). that'd cut down on the number of credits you'd have to spend to convert them because you'd have less to convert

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#113681 Posted on 2017-07-11 08:07:46

I'm not a huge fan of the paint markings myself (nor on the old ev), hence why the majority of my mustangs are solids or roans. I don't think I have any that have conformation below 50, and have a few 70+ confo mustangs.

My plan was to keep my foundations and horses that didn't need converting, as well as a few that I can't part with, all of which have been marked with a (!) so I can see/show them. I'm not so fussed about colours or conformation, I'm a stat breeder primarily. Ideally I would like to sell most of them on if possible, especially the half siblings and other players could convert them at will. 

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