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The Trainer Games Banner and Badge Contest

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The Trainer Games Banner and Badge Contest

#112528 Posted on 2017-07-03 13:20:25

Hello TTG members! If you do not already know me, I am Ride4Life or R4L for short. I am the co-owner of TTG. I am sorry that I have not been very active as well. Stuff has been going on but I am so glad that I am part of this contest. Before I get to the Contest happening right now, do you guys have any other contests that yuo would liek to see? Also, make sure that you share around that this club DOES exist. I can't wait to see how everything will turn out. Now for ther contest!!

If you have not read the newsletter, here are the requirments for the Group Badge and Banner.

- Banner and Badge theme must be consistent.
- Group Badge must be 100px x 50px in size.
- Banner must be no larger than 500px x 300px in size.
- No gore, nudity, or other offensive material used please.
- Banner must include the motto by Kittan that is on the Club page.

Other than that, you have full rein of this. Also, you could win 40 CREDITS

Please post your entries here and Have Fun!!

If you have questions, Message me(#108959) or Redonkuhlous(#606)

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