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Please Help Me Find My Old Babies

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Please Help Me Find My Old Babies

#112511 Posted on 2017-07-03 11:28:10

I recently have gotten my home computer back up and running, and just now remember all the old art that must be on it. After having a look through the pictures, I've come across lots of files of old characters, some of which I miss dearly and can't for the life of me remember why I got rid of them.

So now, I am asking all of you for your help in helping me track them down!

There are a few I would love to buy back, but even still I would also just love to know who they're with now and see all the new art they've accumulated, etc. It's bittersweet.

The following are who I am looking for:

Charger - He was my very first character EVER. I remember claiming him in a giveaway. He was my main character for ages. I don't remember who he went to, or if that person is even still around. I would kill to have him back. If his current owner doesn't turn up, I will consider him mine again seeing as I remember letting him go with a "give him back to me" sort of deal if he wasn't wanted anymore.

Grace - I created her, and she was the first character that I personally created and actually kept and loved on. I'd be happy to take her back if she were no longer wanted, but not in a rampage to have her back. Would just like to know who she went to and what has been done with her :)

Moana - My dear Moana. Most of you who make art know she was my main character for a very long time. I purchased her from Dox and she was resold for a very large sum. I believe she was resold to Magnolia, but I'm not sure. I will always be happy to take her back, but for now would love to know how she is (as if she were real, lol)

Tea - She was also one of my main characters around the same time as Moana and Grace. A beautiful design. She does have a foal belonging to Dox somewhere, though I know Dox isn't really active anymore. I would snatch her back in a heart beat, but am not begging anyone to give her back. I really don't remember who she went to, so it would be nice to know.

Mo - He was an old favorite. I believe Hoofie had claimed him back, but I'm not sure where she is or if he's gone to anybody different since. I would love to have him back. I still have so much of his art.

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#112513 Posted on 2017-07-03 11:40:45

According to this thread, Grace was sold to PurpleMagic and Moana was shared ownership with Magnolia. Tea was sold to Hali for 500k. I don't know if they have changed ownership since. Hope this helps, I didn't find anything for Charger but will update if I do. The best way to a contact Hoofie would  probably be to PM her and ask about Mo.

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#112517 Posted on 2017-07-03 11:49:57

I have Tea. Hali and I had joint ownership, but Hali since then relinquished her half of ownership to me, so I'm her full owner now. I love her and don't want to part with her. Hope you understand! 

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#112519 Posted on 2017-07-03 12:15:58

I had been looking for that thread but somehow couldn't find it, Cat! Thank you!

@Frosted - I absolutely understand, she's beautiful. I sort of threw it out there that I would take them back if ever needed, but not begging to have them back now. I'm happy she has you! Do you have a character website or anything by chance? 

Edit: Looked at your layout and found it :)

Last edited on 2017-07-03 at 12:17:24 by wey

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