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Q About Converting Training

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Q About Converting Training

#110175 Posted on 2017-06-20 01:09:54

so it seems to be some of the horses that I've converted training have had their stats redistrubuted evenly, but others haven't.

Nina was originally a driving horse, but seems to still have driving stats. I may just convert her back to driving as she's essentially a failure due to her stats. I have a few others like this, as well as others who also have been converted and their stats have been distributed more evenly to their new discipline.

Does converting training not actually transfer the stats to the new discipline properly?

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#110176 Posted on 2017-06-20 01:36:41

From what I have noticed about converting horses is that it only converts so many stats at a time. 

It works better on lower stat horses

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#110177 Posted on 2017-06-20 01:46:25

awk :(

I think I'll convert Nina back, she was converted relatively young.

I've converted other high stat horses and not had this problem, but I'm guessing their stats were maybe due to being in more convertible disciplines eg Dressage to Showjumping

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#110178 Posted on 2017-06-20 01:52:09

Converting training only transfer gained stats, the stats the horse was born with will stay the same.

Looking at the horse, it seems it is a result of a cross discipline breeding, which explains why the stats are spread.

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#110180 Posted on 2017-06-20 01:59:08

Her dam was also converted, but was converted later on, rather than being cross discipline bred.

I should have converted her mother before she was bred, I don't breed for driving GVs so I'll probably convert her back once I have credits and sell her. She was born when I was still deciding what I'd train my GV's in before I settled on dressage and show jumping.

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#110189 Posted on 2017-06-20 03:50:19

Converting should change all gained stats if it's working correctly.
What are Nina's base stats?

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#110191 Posted on 2017-06-20 04:36:38

Converting doesn't change base stats. At least one of Nina's parents is a driving horse, so I expect her base stats in the driving-specific stats will be quite high, leading to her still having relatively high driving-specific stats even after conversion.

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