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#109851 Posted on 2017-06-18 19:20:23

I've been mainly stalking the forms and have seen your guy's art and thought i might show some of mine.

The ones I'm showing you at the most took me 20-10 minutes and 5 minuets at the least.

Snake with a hat - Who doesn't like a snake with a hat.

Thing - This one is my favorite out of the ones I'm showing.

Big headed horse - I'm not all entirely sure what I was going with when I drew this.

Mouse - Just a cute little mouse

Fox/Cat - I was going with a fox but when it was done it looked like a cat to me so Fox/Cat

Fuzz Ball - Just a happy legless little ball of fuzz

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#109859 Posted on 2017-06-18 19:59:02

wow those are very good! the love the 'thing' it's so cute! :D

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#109909 Posted on 2017-06-19 03:48:54

I really like Big Headed Horse. He would look super cute as a tag!!!

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#109950 Posted on 2017-06-19 10:29:15

Thank you Madoka :D and Blue Kate you think so I never thought of making it into one and I'm not even sure what size it would need to be or what price range if I where to make it into one.

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#109969 Posted on 2017-06-19 12:51:29

The snake in a hat is so adorable!

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#109981 Posted on 2017-06-19 14:02:27

I loooooove the snake with a hat XD  I would love to line it and make it a tag :D -shot lol

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#109993 Posted on 2017-06-19 14:48:41

The fuzz ball is unexplainable. IT'S. SO. HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fox is my personal fave, but the snake in the hat makes me laugh every time.

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#109998 Posted on 2017-06-19 14:57:27

Dj Hoofbeats - Thank you :D I was initially going to  just have the snake plan but thought a hat would be cute on a snake

CheshireKitty - it would make a cute tag, I'm not all that sure what I'll be doing with theses doodles though

LunaFox - I'm glad you like them, I was initially going to just have the snake plan but thought a hat would be cute on a snake 

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