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#109469 Posted on 2017-06-16 21:46:16

I need some honest opinions about my layout.

You'd never know but I've spent a week trying to code this dang thing and I finally have enough done to feel comfortable enough to show lol

I know its very simple.. but I'm a simple person aha

And if in some chance you do like it, what could something like this be priced at?
I can do photo manips in replace of the image I have there. I just didnt feel like searching for stock on DA.
So I used my own work.

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#109471 Posted on 2017-06-16 21:50:19

I like the style a lot. Maybe it's a personal preference, but I dislike serif fonts for body text - titles are fine because they can be stylized. Serif fonts make reading in print easier, while sans serif fonts generally work better for digital reading. The colors are fun and refreshing. I have no idea about pricing, though....................

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#109472 Posted on 2017-06-16 21:50:43

imo if you're gonna have a lot of stuff to write in those things, i'd put some beside each other you know???

news ---- about me

for sale --- art

(sorry i kinda forget what you had)

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#109473 Posted on 2017-06-16 21:53:43

I totally agree with you both! 
I've been coding for a couple hours now so I'll figure that out tomorrow xP

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#109475 Posted on 2017-06-16 21:59:12

oh my! I love it so much!

I'm not good at pricing, but I definitely want one. haha.

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#109500 Posted on 2017-06-16 23:42:42

It's very pretty. Clean and simply, with a good colour scheme. It looks good. ♥

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#109502 Posted on 2017-06-16 23:44:29

Ulysses, I'm just trying to get on your level 😂
You're amazing at coding! 

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#109504 Posted on 2017-06-17 00:00:52

Thanks. ♥ You'll get there, it just takes practice and study. :)

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#109507 Posted on 2017-06-17 01:20:23

i love it. i'll actually be interested in a custom for whenever (or if) you're ready/interested in that ;D

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