FOUND - thanks everyone!
FOUND - thanks everyone! 1 |
#109452 Posted on 2017-06-16 20:23:09
I've officially given up on trying to design and code a new layout after many nights falling asleep and waking up with keyboard imprints on my forehead and am desperately seeking your help.
Show me the $$$: For those who can bust out the design and the coding, I am willing to pay up to 2.5 million in EVD or the equivalent in credits at 1EVC = $50k, or mixed. I'm hoping this will attract some excellent people. If you are interested in doing one element only - the design (if, say, it's a full page layout) or the coding, we're probably looking at a max of 1.25mil or EVC equivalent. Always open to negotiate! Please message me or post below if you are interested! Will love to see some examples as well! Last edited on 2017-06-17 at 09:41:17 by Ducky
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Posted By (Lucky) Ducky #101202 Member is Offline 742 forum posts Send A Message |
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