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New Character Site

#109013 Posted on 2017-06-14 11:38:20

Boom. Look at me go. Character site complete.

I'm proud.

lookie herreeeeee

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#109015 Posted on 2017-06-14 11:47:15

1. you're super gorgeous
2. i'm sorry about your grandpa :( it's a little different, but my great-grandma has alzheimer's and everything you described about your grandma not knowing who you are is what we go through too. if you need anything at all, or someone to vent to, i'm always here
3. celia looks gorgeous on those new lines, did you remake her? if so, you did a wonderful job

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#109017 Posted on 2017-06-14 11:54:28

Ooh thank you! Yeah I made her a reference sheet, made her the Alpha mare of my characters. I didn't own that many mares, I became a stallion hoarder haha. So I've got some new mares for my herd now.
Thank you! I posted that little rant/journal entry thing on here before, I think I'm just gonna post things like that on my site as it's a nice little place to vent without the real world being nosey. Thanks for your kind words ♥

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#109018 Posted on 2017-06-14 12:09:25

It looks very good!

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#109051 Posted on 2017-06-14 15:42:51

Omg you are super freaking pretty! 
And your ponies aren't too bad either 😜

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#109160 Posted on 2017-06-15 04:32:37

Heh. Aw shucks. My ponies are little beautifuls ikr.

Last edited on 2017-06-15 at 04:32:49 by Absinthe♜

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#109193 Posted on 2017-06-15 10:30:48

Your website is lovely (and so are you), I love how simple yet detailed it is! I'm currently revamping my Wix one as well; since weebly is all messed up. Of course it will take me a super long time to get all 196 characters on there, but it's looking good so far. 

Oh, and I love the name you gave the character I designed! Artemis is my favorite Greek goddess lol. I'm so happy you like her! 

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#109205 Posted on 2017-06-15 11:47:07

Thank you Sib!

I tried weebly about 5 months ago and it was so irritating they kept changing little things and it made me not like it, editing my site became a task tbh. Wix was so easy to use and to customise. The only thing I didn't like was the URL thing, having that long of a URL without paying is annoying lol.

Wow thats a lot of characters! xD how do you remember them all?! I'm proper OCD with mine, I get paranoid if I have too many characters because I've got a need of them to all have the same style reference sheet and have similar amount of art each. It irritates me that Turbo and Tanqueray have SO much art and my new ones don't :(

Artemis is actually the name of my Medival Survival Minecraft server. I just loved the Greek goddess names and that one always tickled my fancy; however I wasn't intentionally going to call her that, I was going to call her Dolce but Altair suggested Artemis in a post where I was looking for names. I just thought; omg yeah... why didn't I think of that haha. 

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