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ISO chestnut Friesian

ForumsLooking For... → ISO chestnut Friesian

ISO chestnut Friesian

#108675 Posted on 2017-06-12 09:59:09

I am looking for a stallion that is one years old to go with my little girl! Stats don't really matter for I am only breeding them for color and confo. I would love for it to have a good/perfects/excellent confo! I am willing to pay quite a bit for one so if you have any let me know thanks!

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#108681 Posted on 2017-06-12 10:19:22

I don't have a chestnut stallion I could give you, but I have a black stallion I could reserve a breeding for you.
He is an Ee Friesian that is currently 2 years old, so he'll give you a 50% chance of a chestnut foal. The other 50% is Ee as well.
He has an average confo of 61.8, with 1 excellent, 6 goods, and 1 poor.

I know it's not exactly what you want, but if you are ever interested, let me know. :)


Last edited on 2017-06-12 at 10:19:49 by RemRem

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