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Why has EVC become worth more?

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Why has EVC become worth more?

#108535 Posted on 2017-06-11 10:38:12

Since I've returned I've notice many people are hoarding their credits while others are desperately looking for some. Or, there is just a lack of them. They few I have seen for sale (in the forums, not credit sales) have been 70k+ per credit. Why the sudden price increase? 
Sorry if this has been explained in any of the recent news posts from Abbey, I read through and didn't see anything but I may have just missed it. 

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#108538 Posted on 2017-06-11 10:48:40

I'm wondering about this too, although my guess is that it's become more expensive to buy credit based things i,e a premium membership. It used to be 4 EVC but now it's 5

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#108540 Posted on 2017-06-11 10:51:52

Yeah, that would make sense. But for it to fluctuate so much is a bit crazy. 

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#108543 Posted on 2017-06-11 11:04:55

For quite a while there was no cap on EVC prices and people would put them in the credit sales for insane prices like 300k, this slowly drove the average price up (as all the cheap credits got bought) and they started selling for 150k. Some members are willing to buy them at that price so they continued to sell at those high prices. Personally I refuse to pay over 70k because in the forums they are still typically valued at 50k and I believe that reasonably. Of course this is just my opinion. 

Hopefully with the new % cap the prices will go back down

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#108544 Posted on 2017-06-11 11:21:10

I recently gave someone 8 credits at around 32k each. I've never sold them for more than 70k a piece when I was really in a bind and needed monies. Im hoping the cap helps keep credits attainable for all levels of player :)

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#108546 Posted on 2017-06-11 12:00:38

I personally refuse to buy them past 50k unless i'm in great need of them.

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#108553 Posted on 2017-06-11 12:20:08

I think with all the new credit items added during the past 6 months or so, the demand for credits rose greatly. And like others said, they were offered for much higher prices and people bought them at those prices, so people are continuing to sell them at high prices.

Last edited on 2017-06-11 at 14:46:53 by SueHeck

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#108589 Posted on 2017-06-11 14:21:31

I think SueHeck hit the nail on the head!

There's so much you can do with credits now days, it's not just for deluxe accounts anymore.
You can make your Ponies prettier! 😳

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#108593 Posted on 2017-06-11 14:29:03

Yeah, that all makes plenty of sense. More uses for them, but the same amount of them. 

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#108595 Posted on 2017-06-11 14:33:51

Yea, but supply and demand, more people want them so price goes up. It's how everything works, even sim games. At least it's somewhat more controlled in this environment lol

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