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Show Creators Association?

#2026 Posted on 2016-02-15 06:10:13

Sure I'll send everyone the link :)

-Aurey it's so good to see you again *hugs*

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#2028 Posted on 2016-02-15 06:16:03

I like making shows, so I'd love to help out since I've been confused with what's needed too haha

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#2029 Posted on 2016-02-15 06:19:30

alright, sent you the link thunderhead :)

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#2637 Posted on 2016-02-15 16:03:52

I'm currently able to make 210 shows a day but I will expand this if need be by buying more arenas. Let me know how many shows you want me to make daily, which diciplines and what levels for.

I'll create the same every day so we never run out :P i'll make a note.

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#2675 Posted on 2016-02-15 16:41:59

I can't make shows, but I wanted to say I support this idea! Yesterday I couldn't run two of my Dressage horses through shows because no one had posted any for their grades!

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#2688 Posted on 2016-02-15 17:00:37

I think that is a great idea, I made some shows for driving but I do not think they were shown because I didn't have an arena yet lol. But I will help when I am able to get an arena. I was happy to see some Western shows has one one the Miniature Horse's I own that has the western specialty (not my choice lol), he came with that specialty from the rescue center, but I digress, I was only able to show him in one show yesterday. So I was happy to see more Western shows for him today.

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#2689 Posted on 2016-02-15 17:01:08

Please delete, for some reason I keep getting double posts

Last edited on 2016-02-15 at 17:02:37 by Kat

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#2701 Posted on 2016-02-15 17:09:06

I'd certainly be interested, I'm not a fan of just creating shows and hoping that someone needs them.

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#3731 Posted on 2016-02-16 18:14:50

I'd be happy to join!

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#84037 Posted on 2016-12-30 01:07:06

Is this still something in the works?

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#84552 Posted on 2017-01-01 08:39:08

I have nowhere near enough Arenas to be able to help, but maybe I can put in a cry for help? I can rarely ever show all of my horses, and the problem child is the L1-L5 racing, where they trudge through TAR trying to find shows I don't already have 3 horses in, so as not to cannibalize their own results. It would be immensely appreciated If some kind soul would put a bulk of 10 shows here and there in the brackets sometime!

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#84557 Posted on 2017-01-01 09:44:21

This idea was scrapped ages ago with changes made to the showing system; however if there is enough renewed interest in this we could give it a go again.

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#84573 Posted on 2017-01-01 11:56:25

Rai - thats where i am at as well, i have too many horses competing against each other because there are not enough shows in any given level. Its just random if i get lucky that day.

insomnia - Im interested in finding out where shows are needed, not just for myself. I have been locked for like 9 months so i have missed a bit of the gig here, i apologize. I am feeling lost when i go to make shows if its not for my horses.

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#84601 Posted on 2017-01-01 14:23:24

I'm interested. Right now I only create 5-7 shows a day so I can keep my arena clear for bigger money makers. When I show horses I found in N2-N3 shows that that thier is only a few shows under $50 entrance fees making people compete heavily for those ones. If you can find higher price lower competitive shows you do not want to enter them because of the price.

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#84710 Posted on 2017-01-02 02:35:31

Sounds great :D I'll join

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