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Help name my new character?

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Help name my new character?

#107931 Posted on 2017-06-07 07:56:39

Guys, I need help naming my new character! I'm actually stuck and I don't usually struggle on names. I like unusual names, please don't suggest anything like "Angel" or "Cupcake" they are so cringey in my eyes! Below is some information and her design ref. Ooh and suggest what breed she looks like?

Breed: Unknown
Age: 2
Gender: Mare
Colour: Silver Bay Pangare Pintaloosa

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#107932 Posted on 2017-06-07 08:07:53

Her build reminds me of an Irish Draught / Irish draught x thoroughbred.

And name wise

?? that's all i can think of currently c:

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#107935 Posted on 2017-06-07 08:12:15

I'm currently selling one of my characters called Harper! Haha!

I like the name Dolce though, that's growing on me.

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#107936 Posted on 2017-06-07 08:15:22

she's so beautiful! really love her design.

for her breed, what about Pintaloosa? cx

well, I decided to give naming a chance and went

with names that had either a thorn or horn meaning,

due to her ram horns.

Acacia (Greek) - thorny

Acantha (Greek) - thorn, prickle

Arantxa (Basque) - thornbush 

Aranza (Basque) - among the thorns

Briar (Enligsh) - a thorny patch

Cornelia (Latin) - horn

Jubilee (Hebrew) - ram's horn

Keren (Hebrew) - strength, power, ram's horn

Neele (German) (also short form of Cornelia) - horn

Nelia (diminutive of Cornelia) - horn

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#107938 Posted on 2017-06-07 08:22:00

Dang it, I meant more of a pinto with spotted blanket but I dunno, I'm bad at naming markings D:

I really like Arantxa! I'm torn now. Dolce or Arantxa... hm

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#107942 Posted on 2017-06-07 08:33:21

How bout Artemis or Arabella?

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#107982 Posted on 2017-06-07 14:36:16

oh, I know. I was just joking around. cx

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#108039 Posted on 2017-06-08 04:47:07

I've decided to go with Arantxa! I've also decided to use two other names for my new HARPG horses on DA. Artemis and Dolce.

Thanks everyone!

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