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Good VS Evil - Wolf RP - CONTINUE

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Good VS Evil - Wolf RP - CONTINUE

#1068 Posted on 2016-02-14 07:04:01

I am posting this for it to continue. I have to out it in the under 13s section for the few members that cannot post otherwise.


There was always balance between the Good and the Evil. Always there was equal light and darkness. But when the Evil gets hungry for war, and the Good isn't prepared, what will happen? Will your life fall to pieces? Will you make allies, or enemies? 
Rise out of the ashes, be known for more then being a wolf. Be known for taking part in the Epic tale of Good vs Evil. Be it you are Angelic or Satanic. 


•| Dont be obnoxiously bumping this. People will post when they post.
•| Be active. Dont post once then disappear. Please let me know if you can't be on for a long period of time. ([IF YOU ARE NOT LEVELED UP, LET ME KNOW])
•| while the Good side is good, they aren't perfect. They have flaws. And the Evil side isn't entirely evil, they are just more evil than good. 
•| Do not create unneeded drama. Plot Twists must be accepted by me before put into action. ([YES, EVEN MINOR ONES])
•| I control weather/setting/time of day/etc. Don't start God playing. 
•| If you disobey any of the above I wont hesitate to kick you out.
•| HAVE FUN!! 


Good Side - 
Alpha Male 
• Eros |kyhas| • 
Alpha Female 
• Eiríni |Agapi| • 
• Tsume |Amarathine| [M] • 
• Ajabu |Oswin| [M] • 
• Sage |Amarathine| [F] • 
• Jeiisk |Grell| [F] • 
• Theluji |Owsin| • 
• Akar |Agapi| [M] {Theluji} • 
• Ni |Owsin| [F] {Theluji} • 

Evil Side - 
Alpha Male 
• Kakó |Agapi| •
• Serk |Grell| [M] • 
• Arc |Amarathine| [M] • 
• Cove |Sinful| [F] • 
• Wu |Oswin| [F] • 
• Rast |Amarathine| [F] • 

Starting Scene

Do you guys wanna do a time skip? So it 's easier to post without having to try and remember what was last posted (because stupid me forgot to save the posts...)?

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#1636 Posted on 2016-02-14 16:33:32

(sure, I know everyone is waiting on like all of my characters.... if anyone can remember the plot of their last post and maybe post just that we could go off that?)

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#1671 Posted on 2016-02-14 17:15:28

(All I remember was Tsume as out hunting with Jeiisk, Arcon had found Loo, and Akar was harking at him angrily, Rast was out hunting[?], and Sage was about to try the liquid in the vial of Ajabu.)

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#1774 Posted on 2016-02-14 18:57:49

(I will attempt to do this without prior posts, sorry if everything isn't correct xD)
(Uhm... Idk how to code on here... soo... unless someone can tell me how to bold and italic then I'ma have to go to quotes (mumbles something about not being able to mind talk))

The silver and ebon brute's ear twitched, "Why don't you just go get the rabbit?" he asked quizzically, "I am capable of marking the borders for a few minutes alone." he smiled softly. He didn't want to push the fae away but her instincts were telling her to hunt and he was allowing her to do so. I guess in a way it was a show of her will to follow orders by not going after the rabbit. Maybe it was just women, they had always been a mystery to him.

- Arcon -
Pale green orbs landed on the steely pup, his harsh words cut through Arcon like a knife through butter. What he said was true, his actions were unforgivable. A soft sigh escaped the stag as he tried his hardest not to be cruel to his only son, "You are right, my son. I should not be forgiven, and I know this as well. But what if I had never shown my face? Would you rather not know me altogether?" his eyes were hard on the boy waiting for his reaction. His reaction could go either way but Arcon hoped that the steely pup felt the same way he did about seeing his family for the first time.
Theluji, the mother she was had silenced her child and Arcon's gaze returned to the snow white fae. The dual toned virile sighed softly as he heard the words the Theluji spoke, she had forgiven him. But how could she? He did not deserve to be forgiven for what he did. Her heart was so open, so trusting and pure that it made his tighten once more. How had he let himself fall in love with such a pure creature, he was no good for her and he surely did not deserve her in any way. "I have missed you so much Theluji..." he trailed off after she finished.

- Rast -
(Meh... I think it would be weird if my characters were talking to each other... and Rast isn't one for confrontation so... she'll sleep through the conversation)

- Sage-
They hadn't gotten that far on their patrol and Sage tried politely to get going, "I think we should continue our patrol." a delicate smiled lined her tawny maw. "We still need to go hunting later." she giggled softly as she turned to walk along the border. After a few steps she turned and looked over her shoulder, amber orbs falling on the grey stag in amusement.

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#1782 Posted on 2016-02-14 19:05:42

(Bold is [b*]word here, remove *[/b*] , italic is [i*]again remove *[/i*],)

[Akar || Good || Male Pup]

The dark pup growled, ignoring his mother when the dual toned brute spike again, to him this time. "Having a father has shown no point this far, Tsume and Eros have done a fine job preparing me for adulthood, I've even caught a frog. See?" He pushed the brown-green lumpy dead creature in front of him, pride showing in his ambitious orbs.

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#1845 Posted on 2016-02-14 21:05:51

(If you want to bold, just highlight the word and click the bold button that has been added. much simpler now! ^.^

Also, I'm not sure where to add in my characters yet, so I'm going to wait just a little bit.)

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#2095 Posted on 2016-02-15 08:01:42

Theluji GP
Theluji sighed, and turned once more to Akar. Akar, she said, softer now, can you please be nicer to Arcon? You don't know him yet, maybe he is a nice guy. She looked at the frog, and a soft smile spread over her features. Good job, Akar. I'm proud of you. Loo wondered if, as she sat down in the leaves, Arcon had noticed any similarity between Akar's name and his own.

(okay, so I noticed it... anyone else? xD)

Nishati GP
Ni stared at Akar, then Arcon, then Loo. It was all so confusing. Who should she be agreeing with? Loo seemed so happy, but Akar seemed mad. Nash was very, very confused about it all. Loo, may I go back to the pack? When her mother nodded, Ni gave Arcon a big smile and left for the pack, knowing exactly where to go. Akar, maybe you should come too, she whispered, and then the cherry brown pup had disappeared.

Ajabu GP
Ajabu chuckled and joined her, the red vial bumping once more on his chest. I need to refill it once I use it. He would have to make that journey again. At least here, his destination was closer. He walked beside Sage, somewhat glad she hadn't had any of the red liquid. It could have changed her, unless... He had heard somewhere that it didn't always deal with your personality, but your hardest trials inside of you. He shook his head softly and resumed walking beside Sage, attention turning to the task at hand.

(were they on patrol or hunting or both? :P)

Wuqing EP
The brunette slipped through the forest, stalking that little rabbit ahead. It didn't beat her fox earlier, but it sure did beat those squirrels. Why was it out, anyways? She lifted her nose to the air and caught a scent of another creature. Lynx. Was the rabbit worth the fight? A lynx, depending which one, could be bigger than a wolf...

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#2205 Posted on 2016-02-15 09:44:40


Jeiisk smiled cheerfully. "Because you and I are out here not to hunt, but to mark the border. I will obey you like a true loyal wolf should." she smiled smiled really big. She licked the brutes muzzle and smiled again. "I will always respect you more than anyone in this pack. Even the alpha. This is a bad thing in some causes, but you will always be my number one Tsume." for the first time in the whole time they had been put, she had addressed him by his name. She blushed. "I still respect the alpha though. I always will." she frowned and put her head down, but then a moment later she put her chin up and smiled again. "We could always get something to munch on after the patrol, unless you want me to get it." she frowned. "Well it is too late now it just ran away." She chuckled at what happened.

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#3289 Posted on 2016-02-16 10:03:36

- Arcon -

It felt as though he had been struck by lightning, anger pulsed through him at the thought of someone else teaching his child anything that he could do just as well, if not better himself. The steely grey hairs at the back of his neck prickled slightly at the names of those accused. Green gems landed on the frog that Akar had been parading around. He was so young and so proud of his accomplishment, maybe Arcon should have felt the same way. He had no idea how to feel like a parent. Gawking isn't doing much he thought as his attention returned to the pup.

Theluji stepped in and saved him before he could think of a reasonable answer in response to the child. She seemed so natural as she spoke to the pup, she encouraged him and told him she was proud. Shouldn't Arcon have felt the same way? Wait. he thought as he mentally went over the words that the white femora spoke ... 'Maybe he is a nice guy.' They all think the same of me then. Leathery wings shuffled as he sought to release the heat that was building in his core. The emotions he felt were tangled and tugging at each other, making the knots tighter and tighter. I don't think I can do this. His chest felt as if a large weight was trying to squash him and he had to force the words out even though they came out barely more than a whisper.

- Sage

The patrol was boring as it always was, re-marking trees so that their pack lands wouldn't be encroached on. It seemed to take forever and Sage thought was one of the more tedious tasks. This is so boring. We should be hunting. the tawny fae said sighing. Her amber orbs once more sought the grey stag and his mysterious vial. What is in that thing anyway? And how do you fill it up? This time she continued walking as she spoke. Hopefully conversation would make the time go faster, especially with someone as curious as Ajabu.

(Eros/Tsume sent them out on patrol then they were supposed to form a hunting party later when they came back -Small pack problems- I am so sorry if she asked these questions already... but I forgot xD)

- Rast -

Golden lids snapped open as the female remembered where she was, blue-green orbs searched the clearing where the brown and grey wolves once were. They must have moved on. She searched again to be sure then left the safety of the bush. The golden femme yawned and stretched then was off to complete the patrol she was sent on by the crimson stag. Her strides became longer still as she remembered the end to their conversation, how he had cast her off so easily. This will be a good patrol she thought sarcastically. She trotted quickly, her pads hardly touching the ground as she scented the borderline. All of the scents were still strong and she only needed to stop to mark a few.

After the patrol she returned to camp, spotted legs now bearing a new set of marking that matched the soft mud of the river that ran along the northern border. The rust colored mud and stuck to her soft fur and dried as she made her rounds. Her paws were cold and sore from the journey but the time alone had helped to relieve some of her frustration with the red alpha and she was once more in high spirits. Maybe he will see that I am worthy of his side if I am willing to do anything for him. After all she had patrolled the whole border by herself, alone. It was the only thought she had as she moved towards the den, her body crying to rest. Rast sunk to the ground softly, her wings spread out to her sides to relieve the muscles that were always holding them to her sides. The ache in her paws went to a dull throb and she set to licking the pads and the areas in between each one soothing the sore flesh.

- Tsume -

The little she-wolf's response was not what he was expecting, but the brute had come to expect the unexpected with the female. What am I going to do with you? he asked himself thoughtfully as he licked her muzzle quickly in return. She was so young, so inexperienced and her words proved it. She could never have him be her first priority if she were to remain in the pack. The silver and jet stag huffed, You are walking along a thin line Jeiisk, but I am willing forget what you said, you are young. Tsume wondered about this femme though, she obviously had taken ta liking to him but Tsume needed to overlook that factor even though his heart ached for companionship. Would she be able to assert herself as a beta, yet not overstep the boundaries he had set forward in his term? He was not a cruel beta and would not allow bullying or other common wolf assertions. She would also need to be able to fight for the good of the pack if it came to that. To protect them before herself. The thoughts were starting to give Tsume a headache and he brought himself back to the present. I am fine. he smiled softly. We can hunt later.

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#3433 Posted on 2016-02-16 12:53:02

Theluji GP
Loo looked at Arcon, tilting her head to the side. Do what? It clicked all at once for her. Be a father. For a moment she was angry at Akar, knowing it was most likely his reaction to Arcon that made Arcon uneasy. She shoved the anger aside, though, and stepped up beside Arcon. How long will it take him to find out you really are a nice guy? The words were whispered to Arcon, so her pup wouldn't hear. She shifted on her paws and turned questioning eyes to Arcon. How are we going to do this - you being in the other pack? If we're found out... Maybe you could come into our pack? Her eyes lit up with hope, the thought of raising her pups with a father present...

Nishati GP
The cherry brown pup stumbled into her family's den, images of Loo and Arcon talking, Akar getting mad... All these spinning endlessly inside her little head. I can't speak of this to anyone. What if Arcon continues to visit - secretly? He can't be found out, or we might lose him! Nash didn't know how they would lose him, but lose him they probably would. Akar might be ecstatic with the thought, but Ni for one, and Loo most definitely, would miss him a lot. Ni had always dreamed of a father, and now was her chance to have one. Would Akar ruin it - out of pride?
(okay, so Ni is having some very adult-like thoughts here... and a seed of dislike for Akar...)

Ajabu GP
The grey wolf chuckled. If we could be hunting right now, I definitely would be. Patrol is not much fun if there are no bad wolves prowling around. When the beautiful she-wolf asked him about his vial, he didn't skip a beat. It's full of a concoction of some sort. After using it up, I take it to a cave in a rocky cliff. There is a wolf there that makes it and fills my vial. You see everything he puts in the concoction, but I never have taken it upon myself to memorize everything.

Wuqing EP
Wu turned to go, sliding over the ground stealthily. Sneak in, grab the rabbit, and go. She caught a glimpse of the lynx, and it was a pretty big one. Coming directly across from the rabbit, Wu slipped behind a bush. It rustled, and the lynx looked at it. The brunette she-wolf made eye contact with the big cat, which narrowed it's yellow eyes angrily. She looked at the rabbit, heard a twig crack from the direction of the big cat, and charged forward. The lynx followed suit. Trapped between a wolf and a lynx, the rabbit sat stunned for a moment, then hopped as fast as it's little legs could go, which was surprisingly fast. Smaller than the lynx, Wu started off with some headway, her earlier start helping her along. The rabbit turned a curve, and Wu pretended she had given up the chase by going the other way. She was actually going to cut the rabbit off. The lynx chuckled as it passed, and Wu almost chuckled along with him. Cutting through the forest, she soon came in front of the fleeing rabbit, grabbed it, and ran before the lynx even had turned the closest bend. There you go, little kitty. Outsmarted by the higher species - wolf.

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#3455 Posted on 2016-02-16 13:17:11


She frowned. She put her head down. This wasn't what she had expected at all. She forced herself to smile. "Let us move on" she said, trying to sound pleased. (This next part has nothing to do with her reading Tsumes mind, it is just a little about her)
Jeiisk was very sweet to others, but she had a stern side. When she is pushed to the point, she can get aggressive. What she said back there was too much and now that she knew it she was embarrassed, and some what, feeling rejected. She was not an expert at fighting, she hadn't been trained or taught to do it. She frowned lower, walking a long side the beautiful brute in front of her. She did not want to show sadness or weakness, so she stood up straight and tried to act like nothing was wrong.

The black and white fae may not have been good at fighting yet, but she was a good pick up learner. She certainly did not want a mate that only wanted her for her strength. She wanted Tsume. She thought that he liked her as well. She thought he would accept her as a mate. A beta is very picky though. She knew Tsume was a very nice and caring wolf, but she did feel rejected, whether he meant to or not. She was great at learning, and she would probably be great at fighting because she was absolutely amazing with hunting. Her stealth was amazing. She was small, and she was strong. Her size made it easy for her to sneak up on her target.

She listened to outside noises, trying not to talk. Jeiisk heard bird chirps in the distance. She listened to the wind breeze through the trees, and the grass flow. She heard a near by river and its water current. All of it soothed her, making her ignore what she felt. She felt comfortable. It reminded her that she was a free wolf, and she had choices. Especially because she was young.

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#3459 Posted on 2016-02-16 13:32:34

- Arcon -

The stunning cloud colored femme stepped besides Arcon, his whole body tensed as she neared. He was not frightened by her, but the thought of someone being so close to him kept him on edge. It would take him a long time to get used to her company once more. It might not ever happen for him, the damage is already done. he sighed softly. Her next comment hit him like a truck, he would never get away with leaving the dark pack. Kako would tear him limb from limb before he saw the day of his freedom to join the light pack. Serk would most likely be there to help as well, the crazed beta had it out for the light pack. Besides, even if he did decide to switch over he had to be accepted into the pack and that was no guarantee with his background. I don't know Loo, it seems dangerous and not just for myself, it would put all three of you at risk as well... he said, pale orbs filled with apprehension.

- Sage -

I don't care much for the bad wolves, action would be nice though. A cougar or a bear. she growled softly trying to mimic the sound of bear roar. Amber pools sparkled brightly at the thought of the two of them out maneuvering a bear. Her pace slowed so that he could reach her side as he explained the contents of the vial. So, some mysterious hermit wolf mixes stuff up and tells you to drink it. she giggled softly at the thought of a wolf in a dark cave mixing random herbs and mushrooms together. What if it is all just a hoax, you know, one of those placebo things? she asked softly.

(IDK if Arcon should switch, I will have 3 characters in the good pack then, that would be a nightmare (unless goodie-two-shoes Sage took some of Ajabu's vial liquid and went crazy... *thinks about it*).... Agapi... Koku's name isn't posted and I am not sure how to spell it... sorry if it is wrong xD)
(edit: Kako xD!!)

- Tsume -

The silver and ebony brute continued the patrol at her comment, the look of defeat on her face stuck in his brain. Was I too forward? he thought as a silver-blue orb rolled in her direction. She seemed not herself and their chat had ended quite abruptly. Maybe you should say something? He was only trying to reinforce the pack, she could not favor him above her alpha, it would show weakness in Eros' pack, in Eros himself as a leader and Tsume did not want to be the cause. The alpha needed to trust him, that he would do the right thing for the pack and that is what the silver and black brute sought to do. It was ingrained in him, a piece of him that he couldn't go against. Do something you oaf! he chastised himself mentally as he remembered that she was still by his side. Jeiisk, Tsume started, his gaze forward as they walked on. I did not mean to be so forward, I was only looking out for the pack. I hope that you understand. he said softly as his head turned to look upon the female. It is my duty to do so but, I am willing to make room for someone special if they could accept the fact that they will not always come first. She was young still and he figured he could teach her some things. It was easier with someone young than someone older who already had set ways, that would only cause conflict.

Last edited on 2016-02-16 at 14:04:16 by Amarathine

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#3470 Posted on 2016-02-16 13:46:45

Theluji GP
The white wolf thought for a moment. If you can't join our pack, what will we do? I have a feeling your alpha wouldn't accept us into your pack. Loo looked at the trees for a moment, and a thought struck her hard. It would be such a big sacrifice... But it may just cheer him up. They would have a choice, too. With a deep breath, Loo spilled out her idea. Arcon, the pups - they could go with you to your pack! They would have a choice of course, but if they want... She let her voice fade, but turned back to face him. Her eyes were glistening with tears, but a smile lit her eyes up with a hidden sparkle, her white mouth curled up in a bittersweet way. That way you will always remember me, even if we can't be together, Arcon. The white she-wolf took a step away. And since it's going to be their choice, whichever one goes, maybe both, they will be happy there. A tear glistened for a moment in her eye, then slid down her cheek. I'd like that.

(there was a reason Ni is having dark thoughts... besides, I have three wolves in the GP and need another EP lol)

Nishati GP
Ni curled into a ball, her fluffy blanket of a tail covering her nose to keep her warmer. Her cherry brown puppy fur fluffed up as a slight breeze danced around the den. When is Loo and Akar and Arcon coming back? Is Arcon coming? I hope so. If Akar doesn't make him go away. Nash's brow curled. Did I really just think that? Why am I so mad at Akar? It took her but a moment to counteract her own thought. Because he's trying to ruin the family's happiness! Everyone BUT HIM would be happy if Arcon became a part of the family. He's SELFISh, and I think he always has been! Nash huffed, then watched her breath curl up in white tendrils. It was soothing, and her anger faded slightly.

(Gonna hold off on Wuqing for a moment. Nothin's happening with her)

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#3480 Posted on 2016-02-16 13:58:53

(Oh, sorry, XD. It's Kako, and I already had plans discussed with Amara about Akar joining the Evil Pack....without Nash...)

[Akar || Male || Good Pup]

Mother, if you love him that much then whatever. He doesn't have my live, nor is he my father.The steel pup growled, but ignored his sister and walked off towards the border, but he stopped, and stared across. I bet Kako would be a good father. He would train me right, unlike that poor excuse for a wolf, Arcon. he thought to himself as he started across, seeing different wolves walking about.

[Kako || Male || Evil Alpha]
(Going to skip that he went to Cove. He just walked away from Rast.)

The crimson virile stalked back into camp, scowling. Serk! The stag bellowed angrily, his menacing snarl bared his blood stained fangs. He scented the faint, sweet smell of Rast. It made him think about making her Alpha along side him. But he didn't know. So young, so inexperienced she was. But she could offer good pups at the least. Or maybe just keep her as a secret lover, and chose a more fitting female as Alpha. Yes. This is the plan.

Last edited on 2016-02-16 at 14:00:58 by QueenFishy[Agapi]

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#3487 Posted on 2016-02-16 14:02:55

(omg I'm so bad at remembering that darn name xD!!)

- Arcon -

Aron watched as the boy sulked away, it was hard to see him react this way. The boy was indeed his blood though, he was almost the same as a pup, although his mouth remained shut and the thoughts spoke instead. Theluji... I cannot take both of our children. It would not be right for you to loose so much. He shifted the leathery wings on his back. Besides, I don't think they would do well over there. It is not what you think and I wouldn't wish it upon my enemies let alone my own kin. Arcon sighed and looked over at the white she-wolf, a tear streaming down her face. The steel and jet stag took a step forward and reached out, licking the tear from her face. I wish I could just take you away from all of this. the brute sighed.

- Rast -

The crimson stag returned to camp calling for his beta and Rast's blue-green gaze fell upon him. I wonder what his problem is now she thought I bet I could help him with it she giggled mentally, her eyes wrinkling at the sides as images of them together filled her mind.

Last edited on 2016-02-16 at 14:43:30 by Amarathine

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